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Non SexLab Animation Pack  

Upload: 27 Oct 2022, 05:46
Created by: rydin [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Non SexLab Animation Pack

Requires SexLab Framework and SexLab Animation Loader

Non SexLab Animations Pack (NSAP) was a mod which was used to bridge the gap between animators make new animations and updates to the SexLab Framework (SLF) where new animations would be added. It started in November 2014 and was a mod that sat along with SLF to allow users the ability to use new animations quickly and effectively.

With the ever-growing modding community finding new and better ways at handling new modding content, NSAP was replaced with the SexLab Animation Loader (SLAL), a mod which used a Phython script to allow anyone with little scripting experience to add new animations even more quickly and efficiently. There are a number of different SLAL packs for each animator which can be easily updated, edited and adjusted to the end-users preferences.

With this advancement, NSAP is no longer required. Most if not all the animations featured in NSAP as in a SLAL pack. It is recommended that NSAP is uninstalled and SLAL is used instead. Running the two mods together may mean causing duplicate entries and errors in FNIS as well as incorrect animation calling in game. It will cause the FNIS animation limit to exceed more than necessary due to duplicated HKX files.

NSAP has been archived now as an educational mod. Users a free to exam the mod's code and learn from it. However, the mod itself, or any edits (personal or otherwise) should not (but not limited to) be shared, re-dristributed, re-uploaded, reposted elsewhere in part or in it's entirety anywhere else without written permission.

Thank you everyone for all the support throughout the years of NSAP.

NSAP legacy Information below

Arsenic's Bandit Den Of Daz3d Outfits 2.1 1.3 GB

Arsenic's Bandit Den Of Daz3d Outfits 2.1 NSFW

10 Mar 2023
1 158

A collection of some Daz3d outfits I converted. These outfits were originally made for V4 by a lot of talented Daz authors. This is a reupload because my files got deleted at Loverslab. I might add more outfits in the future if I have the chance.

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