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Quick (and incomplete) feature overview

Upload: 27 Oct 2022, 04:45
Created by: SilverIce [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Note that this is not the documentation and the code below shows only ~25% of the functionality.

Generic array (JArray) manipulations

int a = JArray.object()
JArray.addInt(a, 0)
JArray.addForm(a, Game.GetPlayer())
JArray.addStr(a, "wow")

Actor player = JArray.getForm(a, 1) as Actor

string wow_str = JArray.getStr(a, -1)
str = JArray.getStr(a, 2)

JArray.setInt(a, 0, JArray.getInt(a, 0) + 1)

Dictionary (JMap or JFormMap, JIntMap) manipulations

int m = JMap.object()
JMap.setForm(m, "money", Game.GetFormFromFile(0xff))
JMap.setFlt(m, "amount", 10)
float amount = JMap.getFlt(m, "amount")

int keyHandler = JIntMap.object()
JIntMap.setStr(0x101, "KEY_X")

Store and read values on forms:

Actor plr = Game.GetPlayer()

JFormDB.setInt(plr, ".mslVampiricThirst.blood", plr.GetAVPercent("Health"))
JFormDB.setInt(plr, ".mslVampiricThirst.bloodMax", 100)
Form[] spells = ...
JFormDB.setObj(plr, ".mslVampiricThirst.spells", JArray.objectWithForms(spells ))

int bloodPoints = JFormDB.getInt(plr, ".mslVampiricThirst.blood")

Store and read values (globally):

string function configPath() global
  return "./Data/AutoSaverConfig.json"

function readConfig() global
  int config = JValue.readFromFile(configPath())
  JDB.setObj("autosaver", config)

float function getEventWeight(string event_) global
  return JDB.solveFlt(".autosaver.eventWeights."+event_)

function setEventWeight(string event_, float v) global
  JDB.solveFltSetter(".autosaver.eventWeights."+event_, v, true)

Common (JValue) functionality

-- some ridiculously complex data structure
int m = JValue.objectFromPrototype("[[[[[42]]]]]")

int two = JValue.count(m)
-- deepCopy will copy all objects
int clone = JValue.deepCopy(m)
-- shallowCopy will copy outer object only - the `m`, but not nested arrays
int shallowClone = JValue.shallowCopy(m)

Dump data structure into a file

int m = JMap.object()
JMap.setForm(m, "money", Game.GetFormFromFile(0xff))
JMap.setFlt(m, "amount", 10)
JValue.writeToFile(m, "map.json")

And "map.json" will contain:

{ "money": "__formData|Skyrim.esm|0xff", "amount": 10 }

Read the data back and put into new container

int newMap = JValue.readFromFile("map.json")

Multidimensional arrays:

-- construct 8x8 array
int cells = JArray.object()
int dim = 8
while dim > 0
  dim -= 1
  JArray.addObj(cells, dim, JArray.objectWithSize(8))

JValue.solveStrSetter(cells, "[1][7]", JValue.objectWithPrototype("[\"bishop\", 0]"))
JValue.solveStrSetter(cells, "[2][6]", JValue.objectWithPrototype("[\"pawn\", 1]"))

int bishop = JValue.solveFlt(cells, "[1][7]")

Let's dump multidimensional array into a file:

JValue.writeToFile(mt, "array.json")
	[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null],
	[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, ["bishop", 0]],
	[null, null, null, null, null, null, ["pawn", 1], null],
	[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null],
	[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null],
	[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null],
	[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null],
	[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
Skyrim Installation

Skyrim Installation

18 Jun 2022

STEP recommends installing Skyrim to an SSD, if available, and preferably on a separate drive/partition than the Operating System is installed on (i.e. instead of installing to the C: drive, install it to D:, E:, etc).

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