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Dialog Dynamic UI (UPDATE 2)  

Upload: 12 Nov 2022, 09:58
Created by: TheMrDemonized [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Dialog Dynamic UI (UPDATE 2)

Moves dialog list to the right, add transitions, fov change, focus on npc, see preview. MCM customizable.

This mod adds Oblivion-like dialog thing, where you zoom into the character you talk to and track his movements, all details on the preview.

Compatible with every ui mod that doesnt change talk.xml and talk_16.xml

MCM menu contains a lot of parameters to customize to your likings.

Tested on a variety of resolutions and aspect ratios, should work fine on all of them. If you find any bugs, please post in comments and preferably add a screenshot to your issue.

Also designed for 1.5.2. Not tested on 1.5.1, might work or might not

Modular Miscellaneous Tweaks 51.9kb

Modular Miscellaneous Tweaks

20 May 2022

This is a collection of small tweaks I've done for my own personal game. Most of them have few/no conflicts with other addons, but are too small to release as their own individual addon.

[DLTX] T.H.A.P. Rework 2.1 442.22mb

[DLTX] T.H.A.P. Rework 2.1

11 Nov 2022
1 097

T.H.A.P. Rework - project to rework the original The Hands/Arms Project (hud hands visuals) by ICHICROW. In the addon, about 90% of hand models has been replaced with higher-quality ones.

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