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Descriptive Stash Coordinates (Update 2)  

Upload: 12 Nov 2022, 11:51
Created by: Aoldri [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Descriptive Stash Coordinates (Update 2)

Whenever you receive stash coordinates, its corresponding PDA message should now contain the stash's level and its approximate location in that level.


  • Use Mod Organizer 2
  • Install the zip


  • Should be compatible with both 1.5.1 and 1.5.2. I only have the latter, but the former shouldn't have any different scripts that would meaningfully interfere with this addon.
  • If you have a reproducible bug, report it on here or on the Anomaly Discord. Please include clear instructions on how to replicate it, alongside your error log.
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