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Unofficial Autocomplete + More Dynamic Tasks  

Upload: 18 Nov 2022, 16:25
Created by: Tosox [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Unofficial Autocomplete + More Dynamic Tasks


This addon makes bvcx's More dynamic tasks compatible with aeneash's Autocomplete unofficial

More dynamic tasks description:
Added a few dozens of different "bring me some of . . ." tasks to random stalkers ONLY. Removed tasks for weapons and upgrades, nobody take them anyway, didn't remove anything else.
New tasks are old tasks with more variety.
Stalkers can now ask you for almost any in-game item (depends on faction and item tier), except weapon/parts/armor/ammo.
Didn't change tasks of story NPCs, only random stalkers (I hope).

Autocomplete unofficial description:
PayPal for the zone. Completes tasks as soon the conditions are met without having to return to the task giver.
I am not the original author (updated from strelocc's Autocomplete v3), was too impatient to wait for an update so made it myself. I also disabled it for DoctorX story quests.
Strelocc's description:
"With v3 now you will have to define manually which tasks will autocomplete, by adding "autocomplete = true" to task config to have a task autocomplete when the stage_complete stage is reached.
By default it was added to all bounty, mutant and smart terrain assault tasks"


This is a standalone addon meaning you only should install this. I warned you

  • Download the latest release
  • Install the mod (preferably with Mod Organizer 2)
  • Decide whether you want the non-DLTX version or the DLTX version (DLTX)
  • Open the game and enjoy
No More Companion Friendly Fire 0.88kb

No More Companion Friendly Fire

24 May 2022

Prevents the player from injuring companions and companions from injuring the player. MCM is NOT required. MCM will allow the protection in either direction to be turned off at any time.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.