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Stardust Core Lite  

Upload: 21 Sep 2022, 14:22
Created by: Zia Satazaki [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Stardust Core Lite

Formerly known as Quickbar Mini.
A vanilla-server-friendly subset of Stardust Core, including the Quickbar, metaGUI, the unified settings panel and selected pieces of library code.
You don't need to install this if you already have Stardust Core!


A custom UI system designed to make designing panes less of a pane and add a plethora of new features such as:
- Unified theming engine with user-selectable styles
- Universal settings panel - easily add any client-side configurables from your mods into one centralized control panel
- Full layout engine that makes arranging your widgets a breeze
- Full context menu support
- Receive scroll wheel events in scripts (yes, it can be done!)
Code and reference sheet can be found on GitHub[].


This mod replaces the Matter Manipulator button for quick access to various shortcuts.
Other mods can easily add their own options to the Quickbar with a simple patch.
Documentation can be found on the old Quickbar Mini Wiki.

Note that this mod is incompatible with Manipulated UI.

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