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BillboardsPostersAdvertisements NSFW-ReTexture  

Upload: 03 Oct 2023, 14:02
Created by: Cluny [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
BillboardsPostersAdvertisements NSFW-ReTexture

This mod will change the texture of posters, billboards, advertisements based on none-Anime AI-generated content. It is partial NSFW-content depending on situation and topic. Mod is tested and should work as described.

I created that mod during my deeper investigation of several AI-image generators and its code-depending and systematic possibilities based on topics. I am analyzing still its content based on psychological meenings and its results. My personal local content is changing daily more or less. It is possible that I will upload more diversity and content-changed versions.
During my comparison ingame, I wondered about several, maybe bugs, strange behaviour with those pictures, how they was placed by Bethesda. Usually it was correct placed but sometimes it was just turn around or left to right vom toe to head. Unfortunatetly I need creation kit to fix that. I changed the content to some more neutral direction, so the placement doesn't matter. Some situated content must be removed for now. Dislike.

There are many other similar fine mods published. Feel free, take single pics or all and mix whatever you like from my mod, use it just like another library. With a mod manager you can move mods based on your personal taste with best priority order. It's just AI-generated content. Don't fear the reaper and have fun ;-)

There are two versions available
Cluny_BillbPostAds_NSFW-ReTexture V1.0 (Main File - NOT SAFE for work edition)

  • V1.1 changed many pics, more dystrophy, more gothic, more of Dune-style
  • V1.2 changed frogs and picture optimization (logical content and quality) started

Cluny_BillbPostAds_SFW-ReTexture V1.0 (Main File - SAFE for work edition)

You should install and especially activate only one edition because it will overwrite each other. The included files are identically but the content is different in some situations. I recommend to mix it up with whatever you like e.g. maps. The ingame effect is tremendous different. It's up to you ;-)


Please create a file called StarfieldCustom.ini within your path "Documents\My Games\Starfield".

Please add following lines:



Please download my mod. The file is Vortex/MO2 compatible.
Please move the "Data" folder from my mod into your path "Documents\My Games\Starfield".

The most easiest way would be to disable my mod or uninstall my mod by using a modmanager like Vortex/MO2.
You can remove my ReTexture manually from "Documents\My Games\Starfield\Data\Textures\... There are plenty files.

  • architecture\city\newatlantis\signage
  • decals\cydonia-set"
  • setdressing\advertisements
  • setdressing\billboards\all_others
  • setdressing\billboards\neon_animated_signs
  • setdressing\captainportraits
  • setdressing\posters
  • setdressing\signage\advertisements

Enjoy! :)

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