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Cyberpunk City  

Upload: 03 Jul 2023, 10:22
Created by: KamilaYtb [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Cyberpunk City

The buildings at the back aren't from debug so you can furnish them. For now, they're purely decorative. All the buildings at the front are fully furnished. We have a bar, a karaoke bar, a robot shop, a pawn shop, a cinema, an arcade room and a cafe. I also did an underground parking with washrooms. You can make this lot work as a shop, a cafe, a bar or a karaoke bar. It's totally up to you. 

Willow Creek - The Old Train Station

Willow Creek - The Old Train Station

18 Apr 2022

When the old train tracks were taken down it was decided to keep the old grand terminal, as well as the subway below even if there were no more trains. But soon it fell to disrepair and disregard. The Old Train Terminal is a failure of urban renewal.

Modern Farmhouse

Modern Farmhouse

18 Jun 2023
1 253

A disgustingly expensive modern farmhouse, perfect for a mid-sized family, guaranteed to break the bank beyond any hope of repair. Includes an excessive amount of plants. Place w/ bb.moveobjects on or Bad Things will happen. Playtested.

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