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Basegame Cottage Farm  

Upload: 05 Nov 2022, 17:19
Created by: Ayaneko_sims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Basegame Cottage Farm

This charming little farm is composed of 3 main cottages. The left one is for the animal keepers, the right one is for the gardeners and the middle one is an old family home. The domain also has a workshop, a greenhouse and can be a perfect home if you have a big family that needs independence or if you want to hire farmworkers! 

🌾Basegame cottage farm 50x40

Cyber Peak V.1

Cyber Peak V.1

03 Jul 2023

This is cyberpeak a cyberpunk inspired city that I put on the chateaupeak lot in delsol. A lot of it is shell so you can build in what you want, but I did start an apartment complex, a subway, a sewer, a bar or nightclub, and a motel.

Blackmier House

Blackmier House

05 Nov 2022

Blackmier house was once a grand estate home to the Granville family. A scandal was unearthed 150 years ago which removed the family from the home and a strange presence has left it uninhabitable ever since.

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