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Obediance Cottage  

Upload: 16 Mar 2023, 16:50
Created by: KiZPiX [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Obediance Cottage

Hi All
I have been wanting to create something like this for a while.
I want to share my "Obediance Cottage" 
Looks all above board till you find the secret door.

Have fun. 💋

Give me credit if you edit. 

Please "like" so i know that it is a good file also ..please let me know of any requests and i will look into creating it.
I really enjoyed doing this. :) 

Please make sure you have bb.moveobjects on before placeing this lot

Requirements Kritical´s Naughty Collection

Hill Crest Riding Centre

Hill Crest Riding Centre

21 Aug 2023

Park / Recreation Riding Centre. Stables for 7+ horses, two outdoor training arenas, one all-weather lit menage, one paddock, seating / grill area, children's play area, car parking.

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