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Sexual Trait (CAS Social Category Personality)  

Upload: 07 Oct 2023, 07:03
Created by: polyfractal [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Sexual Trait (CAS Social Category Personality)

Sexual Trait Description

You are naturally born the most sexual being in the entire world and no one denies it, because everyone who would walk pass you, would want to fuck you real bad. Since it is everyone, you also have easily attracted people who would be in a forbidden sexual relationship with you. To see another related mod made by myself, please visit HERE.

Receiver who sees Sexual Sim (Flirty Buff 50+)

Must Fuck This Sim - I have never seen anyone as sexual as this Sim I just walked by and see. It is extremely irresistible!
Update (Oct 5, 2023): romantic relationship gain with the sender will effortlessly increase to maximum (takes only a few seconds); the sender will receive many autonomous kisses. This opens all romantic options, especially physical affections. 

Sim who has Sexual trait (Flirty Buff 50+)

Most Sexual Being - Everyone who sees me, wants to fuck and make love with me with force. The entire sperm race is sexually attracted to me. (Includes four new friendly social interactions under small talk, about their unique sexual journey secrets.)

Open Love Life v1.1 Mod Updated: 3-02-2025, 12:29

Open Love Life v1.1 Mod NSFW

24 Mar 2022
13 416

Prefer variety in relationships and want even more realism in them? For example, for your character, who is head over heels in love, to find out that his wife, after so many years, turns out to prefer an open relationship? Yes, yes, now the characters will have preferences in relationships!

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