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EVE v8.3.0 | 2022-8-27 UPDATE  

Upload: 17 Mar 2022, 19:31
Last updated: 8-11-2022, 16:01
Created by: ephiny-asunder [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 8.3
Edit Reason: Version updated to 8.3 - 8-11-2022, 16:01 » [Aqxaro]
EVE v8.3.0 | 2022-8-27 UPDATE


1.1 What are the downloads?

- EVE v8.3 Body Meshes - This folder has two versions of the 8.3 TOP and BOTTOM mesh:
For use with WickedWhims (meshes must be assigned as parts via the WW body selector in game - you can set for all sims or just current sim this way)
For use without WickedWhims (will replace the default nude meshes in game for both your active Sims and NPCs)

Depending on your game set up, you might want one or the other. Do not use both.

- EVEv7 Vag/Nip Overlays - Optional nipple and vagina overlays for EA base skin. You must assign these in CAS from the SKIN DETAILS section.

- EVEv8.3 Body Presets - A new set of full body female presets to achieve a curvier shape. You can find these in CAS along with other presets. These presets will adjust all clothing worn by the desired sim.

- EVEv8.3 Blender Files - Don't download these unless you intend to create your own clothes.

- KLEOS Top 1 - A top mesh for men. Pick either the default (if you don't use WW) or the non-default (if you do use WW).

- KLEOS Top 2 - A new top mesh for men with subtle added ab detail. Only for use with WW.

- KLEOS Adam Slender Body Presets - A set of slender body presets for men.

1.2 Where can I get earlier download versions?

Older versions, including EVE v8.2, can be downloaded here - Mediafire

Note: The older version of the v8.2 presets should now work with Spellcasters if you prefer to use it.



3.1 What is EVE v8.3?
EVE v8.3 is a body mesh system similar to Hiroki Better Body, Sopor Allure Boobs, and more. It is made for use with Wicked Whim’s body selector, or just as a default replacement for the boring (less shapely) EA nude defaults to give more realism to your game. There is also a set of complimentary presets to give your female Sims a bit more of a curvy shape in game.

3.2 What do the different files in the download mean?
See section 1 up above.

3.3 Pieces aren't showing up/seem to be missing!
Please ensure your game is up to date. Please ensure you are not using any other files that might conflict with EVE. If you can’t work it out, PM me.
If you don’t see nipples, see section 2)


4.1 Features and notes:

  • V8.3 top mesh has not been changed, but overlays that were included have been removed since people were struggling to remove them in game. Instead I've decided to go back to the manual system of adding them as presets in CAS.
  • V8.3 bottom mesh has been overhauled to add 'hip dips', vag has been very subtly edited
  • New presets have been added to replace the older ones, plus they use modifiers now instead of sculpts.
  • KLEOS parts added to the page.

4.2 Going forward:

Let's see what happens! T_T

4.3 TOU

Use EVE however you like. Feel free to make clothes, etc, using the base meshes but if you include the mesh in your creations, please give credit. No links required, just a name drop or something. Apart from that, go wild.4.4 Requirements? Nothing. You don't need anything apart from an up-to-date game to play with EVE.

4.5 Installation?

Simply unzip and drop the desired files (see file descriptions above) into your Mods folder like you would with any other custom content.

4.6 Credits? Blender, S4S, Photoshop, Turbodriver, Perfectioncat, + everyone here who constantly gives me feedback!
The beautiful skins in previews is by Obscurus.)

Love you to death MOD (18+) 3 MB

Love you to death MOD (18+) NSFW

09 Apr 2022
9 043

Hello. i have finished this MOD where your sims can have good time with corpses from the slab or the gravestone, and also they can kill and woohoo a sim iteraction. To use the slab and the gravestone I suggest to install cannibal MOD v2 because they are referenced from there.

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  1. Гена Ситников
    Гена Ситников [Users]
    22 February 2024 14:33

    Привет а совместим ли этот модик с ( wild_guy's Female Body Details) не подскажите.