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Visit Brothel (18+)  

Upload: 01 Apr 2022, 09:37
Last updated: 28-04-2023, 11:36
Created by: YourFalseHope
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Visit Brothel (18+)

Requires: XML Injector and Wicked Whims

New fun for your adult Sims! This mod will add the "Visit Brothel" action to the character's phone, and when visiting, it will slightly increase the skill of sexpertise, as well as increase the level of leisure. The visit takes about 3 hours and costs 500 Simoleons. Non-vampire characters can pick up pubic lice in such a haunted place - after all, a brothel is not the cleanest place in the world, is it? Sims can return home with a flirtatious or uncomfortable moodlet.

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  1. i
    iAsk [Guests]
    22 April 2024 03:35

    does this work with DD? i'm in the process of moving away from WW, for.. various reasons.