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Pregnancy Preferences & Reactions & Impact  

Upload: 27 Jun 2023, 18:27
Created by: Lumpinou [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Pregnancy Preferences & Reactions & Impact

Pregnancy / Family Preferences And Pregnancy Interactions

Last updated:

June 11: adjusted three moodlets for users of custom pregnancy length

Does your Sim want children right now, is ok with anything, or does not want children? What about their partner? And how will all that play out if they don’t share the same wish? Do your Sim’s kids want siblings? Do their parents want grandchildren? How will everyone react to a new family member?

Assignment of Family Preferences in Sims 4

  • All Sims age young adult – adult are automatically given pregnancy preferences (wants children, neutral, does not want children). Sims who hate children always auto-get ‘dosn’t want children’ – and the opposite is true for Sims who are family-oriented.
  • Preferences can be changed at any time, for the played Sim in the Pregnancy & Family menu, for any other Sim, by clicking on them and going to “Actions” then “RPO Special Actions”.
  • Preferences can be given manually to teens. If the teen module is installed and a teen who has no assigned preference gets pregnant they are automatically given the ‘Doesn’t Want Children” preference.

Effect of Family Preferences in Sims 4

  • Preferences affect reaction to pregnancy (one’s own or a partner’s)
  • Preferences affect all trimester moodlets
  • Preferences determine which of the new interactions of this mod are available or not during pregnancy
  • Preferences determine reactions to the new interactions of this mod
  • Preferences control whether or not certain moodlets should appear during pregnancy and around partners.
  • Preferences affect reactions to paternity test results
  • Preferences affect the relationship with the child.
  • Clashing preferences in a couple will cause serious tensions when a pregnancy happens.
  • Matching preferences in a couple will make for a harmonious situation.

Pregnancy Interactions for All Sims, Regardless of Preference

  • Go to Birth Class
  • (Ask to) go to Early Parenthood Class
  • Worry about Providing for the Baby
  • Worry about putting on Pregnancy Weight
  • Organise to provide for the baby
  • Go Buy Something for Upcoming Baby
  • Ask about Pregnancy:
  • Go to the Doctor for Pregnancy Test:

Additional Interactions for Sim Who Don’t Want Children

  • Announce Unwanted Pregnancy
  • Bemoan not having used protection
  • Discuss hopelessness about future with baby
  • (Ask to) go to counselling for unwnated pregnancy
  • Discuss terminating the Pregnancy

Additional Interactions for Sims who want children

  • Share Big News
  • Talk about baby room decration
  • Enthuse about pregnancy

Sims who are neutral have only the interactions available to all.


Moodlets that can be obtained from using during-pregnancy interactions, being in proximity to a partner or just because of being pregnant vary upon pregnancy preferences. See image gallery for examples.

OTHER PREFERENCES: being pregnant, having siblings, having grandchildren, etc

Preference about Physically Being Pregnant

Preference about having siblings

Preference about Offspring Expressed Gender Personality (OPTIONAL and OFF by default)

So, let’s talk about a feature which has been requested again and again and again. That is, preferences for ‘baby gender’. I didn’t want to do it the classic way because a. classic sex preferences are a historically charged topic that has caused oppression of women and b, it does not leave room for gender as a construct and can therefore be offensive.

So I preferred to think about what those preferences even mean and are about, and make something from there.

So, we end up with a attempt here to create a bridge. This model incorporates an idea of personality and an idea of gender, by being formulated around expression (what the child might be like gender-wise and what that could mean for their personality).

A baby is a baby. A parent doesn’t care about what genitals a baby has, they care about what they assume about the child based on their biological sex – ie, they care about personality. It is always at least a bit misguided to try to deduce a future personality from a biological sex (not all girls are going to be sweet and like barbies even if they’re cisgender), BUT it’s a thing people do regardless.

SO. This is NOT about the baby’s gender identity as of that lifestage (a baby can’t even recognize its own reflection, after all), it’s about what a parent thinks a child will be like in the future, based on what the parent assumes from the link they might make, warranted or not, between bio sex and stereotypical personality associated with gender.

OPTIONAL (toggled in settings) and OFF by default


- remove everything from previous versions, EXCEPT the setting file if updating from v2.9.

- grab the RPO Core Library if you don't have it; Available in the archive

- grab the file from this post and put it directly into your mods folder or one subfolder (it's a .package file, so, not extracting!)

Secret Agent Career Rework 509 KB

Secret Agent Career Rework

02 May 2022
1 262

Have you ever thought that the existing secret agent career in The Sims 4 looks more than strange? The author decided to correct it a little and make his own adjustments. Now the career of your characters will look much more realistic!

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