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University Events - Calendar and Notifications  

Upload: 12 Aug 2023, 11:29
Created by: avacadoloki [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
University Events - Calendar and Notifications

Mod Description
University Events Calendar and Notifications is a mod that adds the events that happen at the university the Sim is attending onto the calendar and gives notifications when the event starts, since in the game, notifications only appear if you are on the lot when the event starts. The events and notifications for Britechester will only appear on the Calendar for any Sims in the Household attending Britechester and the same for Foxbury.

  • Notifications: Notifications will now appear when an event at the University the Sim is attending is starting, even if the Sim is not on the event lot.
  • Personal Calendar: Events at the University the Sim is attending will now appear on the calendar.

Mod Includes
6 Calendar Events and Notifications for University Events:
Both Universities

  • Cram for the Exam
  • University Mixer Night


  • Debate Practice
  • Evening Tea & Poetry Ready


  • Robot Building Meetup
  • E-Sports - Play With the Pros

Other Notes
If you start a new save, the game does not load the events on the calendar or notifications for the events until the next day.

If you enroll in University in the middle of the week, the calendar will not update until the next week, but notifications will still appear each time an event starts.

Events on the Calendar and Notifications for Britechester will only appear if any Sims in the Household are attending Britechester and the same goes for Foxbury University. If a Sim is not enrolled in either university, they won’t receive the notifications and their Calendar will not be filled.

The game handles the scheduling for the University events differently than the other events in the game, some events will appear on the calendar before the start of the week and on Monday instead of Sunday.

Each event happens once a week and University Mixer Night is every other week.

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The minimum comment length is 10 characters.