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Private Investigator Career v1.0  

Upload: 24 Oct 2023, 16:32
Created by: CosmicZephyrus [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Private Investigator Career v1.0

Requires the XML Injector

What is included?

New Career
- Private Investigator (Young Adult-Elder)

- 10 accurate and well researched career levels with 4 branch selections:
* Cold Case Specialist
* Cyber Security Specialist
* Intelligence Operative
* Undercover Agent
Making a grand total of 18 levels.

- Multiple brand new custom interactions which are unlocked as you progress through the career. Some uses the phone!

- Introduces my new buff/moodlet system.
* Each interaction has 4 outcomes. 2 positives and 2 negatives. My goal with this is to simply make it more interesting. I will be bringing this to my other mods as well. It will take time though.

Functional Slot Machine 5 MB

Functional Slot Machine

19 Mar 2022

Want your sims rich easy. Ok, using this slot machine and earn some simoleons. But not so fast because this slot machine have 4 difficulty like: - Begineer (cost §500) if your sim win, they gain §5000 simoleons. This option have %60 change of win.

Trait - Bulimia Nervosa

Trait - Bulimia Nervosa

05 Jun 2022
1 262

This character trait adds a new eating disorder - bulimia. A character with this trait has their own special whims and moodlets. New social interactions - you can admit that the character has bulimia, as well as make a joke on the topic of RPP.

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