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Private Investigator Career v1.0  

Upload: 24 Oct 2023, 16:32
Created by: CosmicZephyrus [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Private Investigator Career v1.0

Requires the XML Injector

What is included?

New Career
- Private Investigator (Young Adult-Elder)

- 10 accurate and well researched career levels with 4 branch selections:
* Cold Case Specialist
* Cyber Security Specialist
* Intelligence Operative
* Undercover Agent
Making a grand total of 18 levels.

- Multiple brand new custom interactions which are unlocked as you progress through the career. Some uses the phone!

- Introduces my new buff/moodlet system.
* Each interaction has 4 outcomes. 2 positives and 2 negatives. My goal with this is to simply make it more interesting. I will be bringing this to my other mods as well. It will take time though.

Pregnancy Cravings

Pregnancy Cravings

18 Feb 2024
1 943

We have wished for our Sims to have real pregnancy cravings, and now creator Plumlace totally made it happen! Our sims can now totally chow down on 13 different cravings like grilled cheese, gummy bear pancakes, and more.

Woohoo in Closet Bug Fix 14.56 MB

Woohoo in Closet Bug Fix

10 May 2023
1 098

The High School Years patches introduced several bugs to the game, and one of the most irksome concerned the walk-in closets from Get Together. Normally, you were able to "Woohoo in Closet" regardless of whether the closet was free-standing, or installed in a wall.

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