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Werewolves Mod by SpinningPlumbobs (28.02.2024)  

Upload: 20 Mar 2022, 04:54
Last updated: 1-03-2024, 12:25
Created by: SpinningPlumbobs [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Version updated - 1-03-2024, 12:25 » [Aqxaro]
Werewolves Mod by SpinningPlumbobs (28.02.2024)

With the Werewolves mod, your sims will be able to unleash their inner beast to become a fearsome werewolf with supernatural gifts of speed and strength and the not-so-great gifts of shedding and canine breath. But, with the Werewolf Lore and Lycanthropy skills, you can combat any of the nasty side effects of being a beast with special perks! Discover the secrets of the lycan life, learn recipes for protection or alteration, fight or play with other werewolves or vampires, and definitely think twice before you mate, as raising little pups can be quite a handful!

***This mod requires the Vampires game pack! This is the only pack requirement, but without it, many aspects of the mod WILL NOT function!

There's several aspects of this lifestate to cover, so let's get into it!

How to Start

Much like beginning the journey of becoming a vampire, the world of lycanthropy is discovered with Google! Well,, actually. Browsing this site on any computer will get your sim started with the Werewolf Lore skill. This skill will be the key to unlocking crucial knowledge about being a werewolf as well as protecting yourself against them.

After discovering the skill, your sim can order supplies from the website that will be useful when handling, caring for, or being a lycanthrope. They will also be able to connect with their fellow werewolf enthusiasts on an online forum!  One of these chatroom-goers may even be the admin of the website, who has some interesting knowledge to share...

The Occult Professor

One of the role sims included in this mod is the Occult Professor, a teacher at Britechester University, who started the website because of his family's unusual heritage. 

*Included with the mod is a set of tray files that contain a premade sim who will fulfill this role. Follow the included installation instructions to ensure he is recognized by the game. If the premade sim is not used, no need to worry, a randomized sim will be used instead, but they will have different social interaction outcomes than Thatcher Wolff! 

The Occult Professor will be able to be invited over from the computer once your sim meets them. Once they arrive, you will be able to talk to them about the occult and even purchase occult artifacts from them! This includes things like certain spellbooks, magical ingredients, mystical jewelry, and a very special book about lycanthropy...

If they stay into the evening, be sure to ask them about their concerning complexion. They may share an interesting story with you that has surprising side-effects...

Frequent Animal Attacks

One of the ways to become a werewolf is to lure one out into the open. While researching Werewolf Lore, your sim will learn that they can take a raw steak, go out into a woodsy area where there have been Frequent Animal Attacks, (A new lot trait that needs to be added in build/buy mode!), and use the steak as bait. If there are any nearby werewolves, they are sure to sniff out the bait and will make themselves known! They will probably attack if your sim has such a desirable snack on hand, but they can also choose to provoke the creature.

Becoming a Werewolf

Once a sim receives the "Mark of the Beast" buff from being attacked by a werewolf, their affliction will progress over the next day or so until they complete the transformation, becoming a werewolf themselves. By default, new werewolves will receive the "Humanoid" werewolf form, but this can be changed to two other variations while in human form. If you want to make this choice even sooner, the option will be available while your sim is still in transition and can also be selected for target sims if you enable testingcheats and shift+click on another sim.

Life As a Werewolf

As a werewolf, your sim will have several abilities right off the bat, including the ability to hunt. This allows them to find random collectibles such as metals, crystals, insects, elements, etc. and they'll even be able to find specific items if they have the Focused Hunter perk. If your sim has werewolf friends or has turned other sims, they'll be able to form packs. 

Packs allow your werewolves to hunt together, call each other from far away or off-lot, unlocks more socials, and gives your wolves a friendship boost with each other. The initiator of each pack will become the Pack Leader and is responsible for finding new wolves to add to the group, approving any that wish to join, and kicking out any trouble-makers. Pack Leaders will also have a higher chance of succeeding in brawls or fights, but if you believe one of your sims is better fit to lead, they may choose to challenge the leader and Fight for Dominance! The winner of this fight will either remain Pack Leader or take over the title.

Werewolves have a new motive called Feral Control. This motive will only decay when your sim is in human form and they're tense, angry, or uncomfortable, using certain powers, or are near wolfsbane. Once this bar reaches zero, your werewolf sim will transform against their will and be stuck that way for a length of time that is dictated by their Lycanthropy Skill.

Lycanthropy Skill is gained by doing various activities like hunting, transforming by choice, brawling, using perk abilities, and using the Lunar Altar. As the skill increases, your sim will unlock more perks, their transformation will become less painful and feral changes will be shorter, their Feral Control need will decrease at a slower rate, and they'll be more likely to win brawls and fights.

New Objects

There are a few new build/buy items that have different purposes. The Chiseled Lycanthrope statue, the Lunar Altar, and the Moondial. Each one has its own purpose that can be discovered more through gameplay, but the lycanthrope statue does different things depending on what is placed on it, the Lunar Altar allows your sim to craft certain objects once they build their Werewolf Lore skill and gain perks with the Lycanthropy skill, and the Moondial has healing and meditative properties.

Other objects can be acquired through learning the Werewolf Lore skill or by purchasing them from the computer or through the Occult Professor. They all have uses that range from protection, to convenience, or even transformation!

Werewolf Perks

Perks can be gained by increasing the Lycanthropy skill and using the Lunar Altar. As your sim increases the skill, they will unlock more useful perks and abilities that can be acquired if you place the proper offerings on the altar. Most perks simply require one moonstone, but a few will need an extra item or two. To gain a perk, simply max your Werewolf XP by hunting, brawling, or using other werewolf abilities, wait for nightfall, and place the items to unlock the perk options!

CAS Items

Included in the mod are several CAS items, including the three different types of wolf form. These are the humanoid, hybrid, and beast variations. The humanoid and hybrid forms used Nyx's original meshes as a base with several alterations and retextures, while the beast form is a conversion of Murfeel's Skyrim werewolf mesh from The Sims 3 with my own UV map edit. Each form has 6 different color variants that are based on a range of natural hair colors: Black, Blonde, Brown, Dark Brown, Red, and Grey.

There are many other CAS items, including jewelry and skin overlays, but these are mostly used in gameplay elements.


- A huge thank you to Nyx for creating the first werewolf mod, which was a wonderful starting point for the creation of this mod!

- Thank you to Murfeel for their Skyrim werewolf mesh!

- Thank you to Cepzid for starting the werewolf walkstyles and a MASSIVE thank you to thepancake1 for his work on finishing and polishing the walkstyles, helping with animation and gameplay elements, and just generally giving me major help throughout the entirety of creating this mod.

- Major thanks to frankk for helping with scripting elements like adding computer interactions and creating the script that handles the wolf pack system.

- And a huge thank you to several creators that helped me on discord with different issues I ran into during this process. It's really amazing to have a community of people who are so willing to lend a hand and share their knowledge!

Future Plans

As always, I have more ideas for how to improve and add to this mod. I'm completely open to suggestions as long as they are respectful and I take each one into consideration. However, I do have plans for my other mods that I intend to work on before coming back to this one, so please be patient! :)

Dessert as Baking Mod

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08 Jul 2022
1 480

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05 Jul 2022
1 238

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