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Madam Simovar - The Potion Seller (26.09.2022)  

Upload: 19 Apr 2022, 11:20
Last updated: 29-09-2022, 11:39
Created by: lotharihoe [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Madam Simovar - The Potion Seller (26.09.2022)

Requires the XML Injector

Introducing Madam Simovar, a new NPC that allows your non-spellcaster sims to get access to alchemy potions — as long as they have the money.

I won’t spoil the mod too much; everything is intuitive and I want you guys to really explore the interactions and dialogs that I wrote. In this post I'll only give you the basics on how to start using the mod.


In your sims’ phones under the Social category, you’ll find a new interaction: Madam Simovar’s Home Service.
For a small payment of 75 Simoleons, Madam Simovar will come to your house. Your sims may then invite her in and ask her for whatever it is they desire, just make sure they have the money so you don’t waste Madam Simovar’s time!


In the Lot Traits panel you’ll find a new trait: Madam Simovar’s Emporium.
Like the description says, if a lot has this trait, Madam Simovar will spawn. She will come at any time of day and stick around indefinitely (until the trait is removed), and you can usually find her sitting down somewhere reading a book, practicing her spells or drinking something at the bar. Bring her the money and she’ll give you the magic!
The lot trait cannot be added to residential lots, vet clinics or restaurants.


For now, the mod’s available in the following languages:
  - Portuguese and English (done by me);
  - Spanish (thanks to JeyStiv!);
  - Italian (thanks to zomboide!);
  - Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese (thanks to CiwayWong!)
  - French (thanks to Rébecca J.!)
  - Japanese (thanks to maru dada!)
Any other languages will default to English.
CandyD's Balanced Calories Mod 3.81 MB

CandyD's Balanced Calories Mod

30 Apr 2022

This mod simply is a must-have for a realistic game play and I was bummed out when I saw that it's not going to be updated neither by CandyD, Ignoral and/or DarkSimister any time soon. So, I updated it for personal use since the release of Island Living.

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