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Autonomous Vampires  

Upload: 05 May 2022, 16:28
Created by: PolarBearSims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Autonomous Vampires

Vampire pack is REQUIRED! This will not give you vampires.

What this mod does:
Basically this mod changes the ask to be turned and offer to be turned to autonomous.

This mod is packaged into one file. Inside the file are these packages
SnowieVampTurn_Ask_UPDATED_ByPolarbearsims - Autonomous sims asking to be turned
SnowieVampTurn_Offer_UPDATED_ByPolarbearsims - Autonomous vampires offering to turn sims
SnowieVampTurn_Both_UPDATED_ByPolarbearsims - Both above packages in one package

Moody Laundry Piles Mod 2.0 KB

Moody Laundry Piles Mod

05 May 2022

Basically this will vary on if a sim leaves a pile of laundry based on their moods. So instead of a family oriented sim always picking up their laundry, when that sim is having a bad day they will leave it on the floor.

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