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Autonomous Vampires  

Upload: 05 May 2022, 16:28
Created by: PolarBearSims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Autonomous Vampires

Vampire pack is REQUIRED! This will not give you vampires.

What this mod does:
Basically this mod changes the ask to be turned and offer to be turned to autonomous.

This mod is packaged into one file. Inside the file are these packages
SnowieVampTurn_Ask_UPDATED_ByPolarbearsims - Autonomous sims asking to be turned
SnowieVampTurn_Offer_UPDATED_ByPolarbearsims - Autonomous vampires offering to turn sims
SnowieVampTurn_Both_UPDATED_ByPolarbearsims - Both above packages in one package

Mutual Ends Updated: 5-06-2022, 16:00

Mutual Ends

05 Jun 2022
1 292

After some time, did your characters decide to part as friends? Do you want to avoid unnecessary drama? This mod will add realistic breakup options to the game, as well as new moodlets that will appear after the breakup of the characters.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.