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Royalty Mod 2.8.9 (03.04.2024)  

Upload: 21 Mar 2022, 12:28
Last updated: 3-04-2024, 17:54
Created by: llazyneiph [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Royalty Mod 2.8.9 (03.04.2024)

Requires the XML Injector and Trait Tracker Injector

Royalty Mod Tutorials 

Monarchs are your main focus in this mod, and you require a Monarch to use much of the mods features. 
Monarchs are responsible for bestowing the in-game traits to other sims, such as; Crown Royals, Nobles, Heirs, and more. 

They work best when paired with another sim who has been given the ‘Royal Advisor’ trait. (More information on Royal Advisors under the ‘Royal Advisors’ section of this document)

Monarchs also have a small career (a 10am-3pm rabbithole) available to only them, which can be found under the careers menu.

They also have a cute little custom plumbob with a crown, to make them feel really special!

Titles no longer disappear on move/reload. They are also now passed through an object and are no longer dependent on the trait, hopefully this also fixes an issue where some players weren't getting title interactions at all. (Some may take up to 1 sim-hour to change.)
In between title changes, please use the Remove Title interaction to avoid any errors :), you can also use this if you experience any oddities with headers.
* I'm currently dealing with issues with noble titles, so it will take a little longer to fix them. Because of this, I left the "Actions" menu in the headers. *

- The nanny trait has been reworked. Now they will actually do the autonomous nanny things as originally intended. (Under Friendly)
-Royal Banquet fixed. Banquet Servants & Barstaff will also not grab a plate when using the Call to Meal interaction.
* Title object can be found by searching '[LN] Royal Title Giver' *

- Royalties: Once you have created your founding monarch in CAS, you can give him/her the "Monarch" trait. This will be the only time you need to use CAS for this mod to work, as the rest of the titles are given to other Sims through your Monarch's interactions. If they fall in love and marry, they can give the spouse the title of "Royal Partner", and if they have children, they can become "Royal Heirs". But what if your monarch never marries and has children? Did they take home a cute street urchin? Don't worry, any Sim can become an heir and therefore can access the line of succession!
- Be adored or scorned: based on your connections with the monarchs in their world, they have a chance to become a beloved royal or a scorned tyrant! The Sims around will either love being around him or just hate it! Don't raise taxes too high!
- Editable Titles: When your monarch assigns a title, the Sim will get a tooltip above their head displaying their assigned title. They are gender neutral by default, but you can change them in the Actions menu. For example, if you're playing Russian royalty, you can change the titles to "Tsar/Tsaritsa", etc. Or if you just prefer gendered English titles, you can choose "King/Queen/Prince/Princess". It's up to you and your gameplay, there are many different options to choose from!
- Illegitimate children: Is your monarch something like Don Lothario? Was it too much fun with the servant? Your monarch may recognize them as "non-legitimate royalty", giving them a small chance to take the throne one day! But perhaps your monarch wants a little more in life for his illegitimate child? They have the choice to legalize them into the royal family!
- Heir system: every monarch needs an heir, the family holds the throne! Your Monarch can name any of his royal heirs or his royal partner as heir, so when the monarch dies, the crown will be automatically transferred!
- Compete for the throne!: Did your monarch die unexpectedly without naming an heir?! Not to worry! If such a situation occurs, then any heir, royal partner, or non-legitimate queen can claim the throne! It will be a race to see who can gain enough support (reputation) and win the throne! To help with that, those vying for the throne have new interactions to ask citizens for support, promise to be a great monarch, and they can even advise other royal heirs to leave the race!
- Tax system: your monarch has the ability to raise or lower taxes! Taxes are paid to your royal family twice a week (Monday and Thursday), and this amount depends on whether you raised or lowered them! Lower taxes obviously means less money per week, but it does give you good reputation points with your citizens! While raising taxes will fill your treasury faster, you can quickly become a despicable tyrant!
- Nobility: Your Monarch can grant the title of Noble to any Sim they wish, and these nobles can use the reputation system to rise through the ranks of nobility! Nobles are also a source of higher donations!
- Servants: What is royalty without multiple servants? The servants in your house will clean and cook on their own, and will learn how to cook much faster!
- Other traits: There are a few more traits you can play with to complete your royal castle! These are trusted advisors, court wizards, royal nannies and jesters! All titles are given by the Monarch!

Monarch The
Monarch is the ruler of your vast kingdom. To use most of the features of the mod, you need to have the Monarch in the game. Monarchs assign titles to other characters such as royalty, nobles, heirs, etc. Monarchs perform best when there is a character with the title "Royal Advisor" next to them.
In addition to collecting taxes, the Monarch can earn money through a small closed career (from 10:00 to 15:00).
The Monarchs also have a cute plumbob crown to make them stand out from the simple characters!

How to become a Monarch?
When creating a new character, choose the Monarch character trait.
To assign a finished character as a Monarch, you need to click on it and select Royal Life > Cheats for the Royal Life mod > Enable Cheats. Then again choose Royal Life > Cheats Fashion Royal Life > Add Monarch Trait.

Royal Advisor
The Royal Advisor is the right hand of the Monarch. He deals with taxes, abdications, succession to the throne, and so on.
To make a character a Royal Advisor, your Monarch must speak to the chosen character and select the Make Advisor option.

Other titles
The rest of the character titles are assigned by either the Monarch or the Book of Titles (buy mode item).
Playing as a Monarch, click on the character and select the appropriate title for him using the "Titles" option.
You can also come up with some custom titles yourself! However, this is not done in the game itself, but with the EasySTBLManager program ( ). You need to open the llazyneiph - Royalty mod 2.6.8 > Strings folder and edit the STRINGS_Custom_Titles.package file

Heirs and the transfer of the throne
The monarch can declare a specific heir by selecting a character from the royal family using the Titles menu. In order to inherit the throne, the heir must arrange a coronation using a crown on a pillow, which can be found in buy mode. If the monarch suddenly dies, the heir can take the throne by talking to the royal adviser.

Nobles can increase the ranks of nobility using the reputation system from the Path to Glory expansion. Nobles start at the lowest rank of Baron and can move up 2 more ranks to the highest title, Marquis.

Servants can be summoned at any time by clicking on a royalty or nobility character and selecting Royal Life > Servants > Summon Servants. Servants can be given tasks - cleaning, cooking, gardening, childcare. Servants can be assigned a bed and made to attend to their needs such as sleep, hygiene, etc.

The Monarch can raise or lower taxes with the help of the King's Counsel. Increasing taxes will increase your income, but will decrease the reputation of the Monarch. Decreasing taxes will reduce your income, but improve the reputation of the Monarch. You can collect taxes every Friday at the Royal Counsel.

Regional royal families and nobles
Members of the royal family and the nobility will automatically receive a game trait depending on where they live. For example, a Princess residing in Komorebi would receive the Komorebi Royal Family trait.

Events The
Royal Family can arrange various events, such as:
- royal audience;
- an event for the reception of citizens, where you can listen to their complaints;
- royal banquet;
- a luxurious dinner for which you can call all members of the royal family and nobility;
- coronation, which will be held when the heir ascends to the throne.

Inherited Traits
Characters born into a royal or noble family inherit certain traits.
Possible combinations of traits of parents:
Monarch + Royal Partner = Royal Family
Monarch + Noble = Royal Family
Royal + Royal Partner = Royal Family Royal +
Noble = Noble
Noble + Noble = Noble a happy moodlet will appear, as well as tourists under the windows. The name speaks for itself! Royals and Nobles will no longer spawn on this lot (unless they live on the lot).

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