Enjoy The Lentil Things Restaurant Set
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Finally, something nobody asked for! A realistic skin for mannequins that actually WORKS! You may wonder what I'm talking about. Well, the mannequins in the Sims are quite special and can't just be recolored like furniture.
Basically, the game lets you create the cure once you've reached Vampire Lore level 15. This aspiration incorporates that, while also giving you the opportunity to become Vampyre, for how can one truly understand unless one becomes that which they despise?
This mod allows you to turn your pets into farm animals! You can choose to harvest their produce for your household or to sell their goods to the marketplace! You will be able to harvest more items and make more money the higher your farming skill is...which is a hidden skill.
If you are bored with cows and llamas, and you crave to diversify the fauna of your farm, then this mod can come in handy for you! With it, you can breed three types of horses: white, bay and black!