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Church Lot Trait  

Upload: 09 Jun 2022, 09:29
Created by: Kiara [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Church Lot Trait

Surely you sometimes thought that it would be nice to have a wedding or maybe go to a Sunday service. The new property of the lot will help with this - you can create a church! Sims will receive the appropriate moodlet when they visit the lot, and will also be able to perform new religious-related social interactions. Now they can discuss Bible verses with other parishioners or, for example, praise Jesus.

Russian translation by gonchlharyel : Download (simfileshare)

Tool Time Garage Set 8 MB

Tool Time Garage Set

10 Jul 2022

These gorgeous hobby tables are designed in a consistent style and are seamless when connected, they will decorate the decor of your Sims' homes and workshops while saving usable space!

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