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Hopscotch Play  

Upload: 08 Jul 2022, 10:44
Created by: TheGoldSim [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Hopscotch Play

Your kids love to play outside, but in the world of sims 4, unfortunately, there are very few opportunities for fun games. What about true functional classics?

Yes, yes, you heard right, because thanks to this little mod, a new functional object will appear in your game - classics! Children will be able to jump on them, which will greatly improve their leisure and play on a summer day outside!

Russian translation by DFenter : Download (GD)

Parenting Tweaks

Parenting Tweaks

12 Jun 2022

Sometimes it happens that in your house children behave badly, do not obey, play pranks. Punish them - but they are not your children, and nothing can be done about their behavior!

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