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Higher Education Career  

Upload: 18 Mar 2023, 15:48
Created by: Kiara [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Higher Education Career

Required Packs: Discover University and Get To Work
Other Requirements: Basemental’s Venue List, Work interactions Pie Menu and XML Injector

Please note mod conflicts: You can not have any other mods that impact venue lists or the lot extender mod. If you can’t get the venues to show watch this video and after that you need to do a 50/50 to find the conflict.

Career Levels
Staff Assistant
Higher Education Program Specialist

Beginning Tasks
When you reach the Higher Education Program Specialist, you will need to complete two tasks before advancing to a Higher Education branch.

You can earn any degree of your choosing. As long as you have a degree, you move on. As for the second option you will need to use your phone to take the exam and there is a cost of 125 Simoleons to take the exam.

You will either pass or fail the exam, but you must pass. There is a 50/50 chance you pass the exam just like in the real world. Here is an example of the buffs

Failed Buff

Passed Buff

Upon completion you will have the option to join 2 branches! The first is the

Administration Branch
Admissions Representative
Student Services Advisor
Executive Director of Student Service
Assistant Dean
Dean of Students


This pie menu is found via a Computer > University > Higher Education menu. The pie menu above is how the interaction menu will look up until the Dean of Students level.

When you reach the Dean of Student level (The top level) the menu will look like this below

There is also a second pie menu that you can use when a college student is on the lot. 

Faculty Branch
Adjunct Instructor
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Endowed Professor
Distinguished Professor


This pie menu is found via a Computer > University > Higher Education menu. The pie menu above is how the interaction menu will look up until the Endowed Professor level.

When you reach the Distinguished Professor (The top level) the menu will look like this below

There is also a second pie menu that you can use when a college student is on the lot.

Teaching a Class
Faculty members will have the option to teach a class. It can be done after work hours. To teach a class, use the Phone > Work menu to find this option.

Classes should last 90 – 120 minutes and when you return you will receive the buff below

Research & Debate

Student Services

The lot type used is called “Student Services”.

Place an office lot and change it to the Student Services lot.

Make sure you place a lot in your game that is office based with computers and the Front Desk from Get to Work.

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