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Custom Moods for Some Game Moodlets v0.92  

Upload: 18 Mar 2022, 12:18
Created by: Lumpinou
Uploaded by: Aqxaro


EDIT April 22: Removed a toddler moodlet that may have caused the toddler portrait to not show when having that moodlet.

EDIT February 13th:
- Please Re-Download to avoid issues.
Removed the 'Disgusted' moodlets for now, as the 'Disgusted' mood is misbehaving some. 

Fixed issue
with Sims getting Tipsy off of drinking water.

Because the newest Stuff Pack adds a scared mood and replaces some game moodlet moods with the 'Scared' one, I have removed from this mod the moodlets I had modified to my custom 'Scared' mood. My custom 'Scared' mood will probably have an early retirement because the game has a scared mood now.

This v0.9 is only a first batch of mood replacements (with 40+ moodlets). It will take me some playing time to find what moodlets I want to give a custom mood to.

----------- Game Moodlet Mood Replacement ----------

This tiny package file gives a few (46 for now) game moodlets a custom mood instead of the standard game mood.

This uses my Mood Pack Mod and what I call 'Dumb Overrides', meaning, in addition to my custom files for the moods, it is made of files from the game directly edited (the moodlets whose moods are changed), which means it's shamefully easy to make, but may also interact if some other modder decides that they want to directly edit those moodlets. 

I was going to do it differently and not have overrides at all, but then I thought, if someone directly edits one of these moodlets for a mod effect, it still would conflict with this even if I make it without overrides, because I would instead replace the game moodlet in game with a custom one. This would mean tons more work for me for the same end result of potential conflicts, so I didn't bother.

The list of moodlets changed will only grow, so if you are a modder and wish to check what resources are overriden, I advise just looking in the file or the screenshot below.

What will happen if I have a mod that overrides the same moodlet / a mod that 'conflicts'?

Well, almost nothing if the other mod takes over - simply, the custom mood would not show for that particular moodlet.
If my mod takes over - then whatever the other mod made to the moodlet in question will not show.

Any known conflicts so far?


WooHoo Partnership Tweaks

WooHoo Partnership Tweaks

22 Jul 2023

One of the updates to the game brought our characters the opportunity to become partners in sex, but as usual, the game is very linear and only allows characters who are friends to use this interaction.

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