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Sim Image 1.4.6  

Upload: 05 Mar 2023, 19:11
Created by: adeepindigo [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Sim Image 1.4.6

How it Works

Sims will now have a new invisible motive for self-esteem and self-image. A sim's self-esteem will determine how they react to life's ups and downs as well as affect their emotional and physical and mental wellbeing. Sims life experiences can shape and affect and be affected by their self-esteem. For instance, Sims who are fired can have their self-esteem decline while Sims who get a new job can get a boost to their self-esteem. Sims can do a number of activities to raise their self-esteem including exercise, wellness activities, self-help activities, therapy, and for some Sims, cosmetic surgery can give them an added boost. Therapy and Support Groups are available on the phone under my phone menu.

Related but separate from self-esteem is a motive for self-image. As self-esteem ebbs and flows so does a sim's self image. Alternately, as a sim's self-image improves, so does their self-esteem. They feed off of each other. Sim's can have seemingly disparate self-esteem and self-image but in general, they closely mirror each other.

Body Image and Eating Disorders
Sims can develop body image and eating disorders. Sims can develop Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Anorexia, or Bulimia. These disorder will affect their daily lives, their relationships with the mirror and food, their self-image, and self-esteem and in turn, sims with low self-esteem and self-image are more susceptible to developing these disorders. Sims can get help, but not all Sims with the disorders will think they have a problem. Other Sims can ask Sims to get help.

Sims can try to treat their disorders with therapy, medication, self-help activities, wellness activities, support groups, research, and even cosmetic surgery, if they think that's the way for them. Sims who get treatment can after some time go into recovery. It is possible for Sims in recovery to relapse into their old habits. The guilt of both relapse and the shame of the disorder can negatively affect Sim's self-esteem. Sim's in recovery can have minor relapses but can quickly recover if they choose to do so. Sims with these disorders will have unique responses and perspectives to common activities such as working out, eating, and looking in the mirror.

Cosmetic Surgery
Any sim teen and older can sign up for a Cosmetic Surgery Consultation, available on the phone under my phone menu. The sim will go to a clinic for their consultation. If the consultation is successful, the Sim will want to go through with the surgery and will need to choose their cosmetic surgeon (cheap, expensive, celebrity). Results are affected by the choice. If the consultation is unsuccessful the Sim will not want to follow through with the procedure.

Sims have three days to do the surgery after which they lose their appointment.
Very Important: Before sending your sim to surgery, make sure testing cheats are enabled and that you have used the cas.fulleditmode cheat else you will not be able to edit your sims face or body. To bypass this, you can download the TwistedMexi mods in #4 of the instructions.

Surgery lasts about 3-4 hours. Surgery can be successful and Sims are generally pleased with the results of successful surgery whereas if the surgery is unsuccessful Sims can experience embarrassment. Sims with eating disorders or body image disorders can have different emotions based on the surgery which can change the longer they live with it. After surgery, Sims will receive pain medication to manage their pain and finish their recovery at home. Recovery time is about 5 days, 3 in a recovery center and 2 at home, and Sims will be unable to go to work.

Automation and Cheats
Upon loading a household and the mod for the first time, each sim child-elder is randomly assigned self-esteem and self-image. They can also be randomly assigned a body image or eating disorder. Like my other mods, you can cheat your sim's self-esteem, self-image, and a body disorder or eating disorder by shift+clicking on your sims (make sure testing cheats is enabled). 


Installation Instructions

1. Install the adeepindigo_gameplaymods_selfimage_core package and script. It's the core required file for this mod.

2. If you want all features of the mod, install all modules. Otherwise, only install the modules for features which you want in your game.

3. Lumpinou's Mood Pack is required for the mod to work

4. Make sure you have the most recent version of the general pie menus

5. TwistedMexi's  Always Testing and Always Full Edit Mode aren't necessarily required but are highly, highly, highly recommended if you intend to do Cosmetic Surgeries otherwise you will have to manually enable testing cheats and fulleditmode before surgery.

Base Game compatible though see note below.
Note: The medications in the mod uses an animation from Spooky Stuff, but it is not required. The animation will just be missing.

Credits: Thanks so much to DaleRune for the base for the Anorexic and Bulimia disorders.


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