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More Away Actions & Vampire Fix  

Upload: 03 Apr 2022, 14:55
Created by: littlemssam [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
More Away Actions & Vampire Fix

This Mod adds new Away Actions to Sims that are left at Home.

New Away Actions by me:

The Energy will fill up fast enough so your Sims should have full Energy when you come Home (Unless they did “wake up” shortly before). They will still “wake up” when another motive is down to -75 so they can take care of themself!

Make Happy (former part of the Version 2, which is now merged in here)
Fills up all Needs

Go on a Date (Young Adult +)
Sims must have met
Fills up Hunger, Fun, Social
Gains Friendship & Romance

Go on a Date (Teen only)
Sims must have met
Fills up Hunger, Fun, Social
Gains Friendship & Romance

Play with (Toddler only)
Sims must have met
Fills up Attention, Fun, Social
Gains Friendship

Pet Care
Sims must have met Pets
Fills up Fun, Social for Sims
Fills up all Needs for Pets

Train Pets
Sims must have met Pets
Fills up Fun, Social for Sims
Gains Training Skill for Sims
Fills up Play & Affection for Pets
Important: Pets will learn the Command you choose but the last step to complete the Training must be done in live mode with the Pet!

Work on Daily Career Task
Young Adults and older who have a Job can do this Away Action which will fill the Daily Tasks like “Writing, Painting etc.”

Do Homework (for Uni Students)
Uni Students can do their Homework when being off lot too

all Skills that have not been added by Bienchen83 (see below)

Vampires have all Away Actions (Building Skills, Garden…) including the new ones too!

More Away Actions from Bienchen83:

Bienchen83 already made a Mod which also adds more Away Actions. I did not want to miss that in my Game so i asked for her Permission to add her changes in my Mod too. Thankfully she gave me her Permission Thank you to Bienchen83 for the following additions:

Skill Away Actions: Singing, Baking, DJ, Dancing, Pipe Organ, Bowling, Parenting, Climbing and all Toddler Skills.

Plus new Away Action: Do Homework from off lot

Important Info:

Make sure to change all Away Actions of Sims who are off lot into the “Care for self” one before deleteing the Mod. The Game does not like it if an Away Action is “missing” on a Sim!

Subject Homework

Subject Homework

28 Apr 2022
1 547

Now your Sims will improve their skills by doing homework! In addition, children and teenagers will prefer to do their homework while sitting at their desks.

VAMPIRES - Reworked Vampires Mods

VAMPIRES - Reworked Vampires Mods

10 Nov 2022
1 514

Vampires are kind of boring to play because their energy doesn't go down unless you use powers, so they end up staying awake for days. With this mod, their energy will go down during the day, normally very fast, to force them to sleep.

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