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Casual Knitting (without yarn basket in inventory)  

Upload: 07 May 2023, 16:22
Created by: plumlace [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Casual Knitting (without yarn basket in inventory)

Calling all Nifty Knitters!

With the Casual Knitting mod, you can now knit without having the yarn basket in your inventory. You can choose to knit from all your usual places, such as couches and chairs, without having to add the yarn basket to your inventory.

"Cute" Trait

"Cute" Trait

29 Jun 2022

A trait in the Social category, Baby to Elder. "This sim has good social skills and makes others happy." My first try at this, so I hope it's alright! (If you have ideas for improvements/additions let me know)

Roommate Fix

Roommate Fix

23 Mar 2022

Roommates will be less likely to flood dorms with meals. They'll also bring medium sized meals and different food dishes (no lobster). There's a second package that reduces the likelihood of roomates leaving garbage everywhere.

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