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Recipe Notebook  

Upload: 09 May 2023, 04:44
Created by: Enkidu [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Recipe Notebook

Requires the XML Injector

Recipe Notebook by Enkidu

Adds a new section to the the sims Notebook to keep track of learned/unlocked food recipes.

Do you know how there are 27 City Living recipes that your sim can unlock by eating them once? I always had a hard time keeping track of them, especially when playing with multiple sims or switching households. Now I can just check the notebook to see what recipes my sims have already unlocked. I also added Notebook sections for Brindleton Bay, Selvadorada and Batuu food recipes.

Update 17.03.2023:
Mods compatible with 1.96.365.1030. No changes necessary.


Adds a new Recipes section to the Notebook with sub-sections for food recipes from:

  • San Myshuno (City Living) - 27 food recipes
  • Selvadorada (Jungle Adventure) - 10 food recipes (including secret menu), drinks not included
  • Brindleton Bay (Cats and Dogs) - 4 food recipes, drink not included
  • Batuu (Journey to Batuu) - 9 food recipes, drinks not included

Installation and usage

The mod requires XmlInjector. You can get it from the Official In Memoriam Website. The mod will not work without it. You may in fact already have it as it is a very popular dependency for Sims4 Mods.

After installation, recipes will get added to the notebook once a sim eats a serving of that recipe.

If a sim has already unlocked several recipes they will not be in the notebook untill the sim eats a serving. In order to add the recipes unlocked before installing the mod, have the sim cook a serving of the recipe and eat it.

The mod does not touch notification or game messages in any way. I chose not to display a notification when a recipe gets added to the notebook as the notification panel is busy enough already. The Notebook icon will turn green when a new recipe is added.

After removing the mod the Recipes section will no longer appear in the Notebook.

Mod contains 5 files:

  • Enkidu_recipeNotebook.ts4script - REQUIRED. Mod does not work without it.
  • Enkidu_recipeNotebook.package - REQUIRED. Mod does not work without it. Contains Notebook configuration and San Myshuno recipes.
  • Enkidu_recipeNotebook_Batuu.package - Optional. Contains Batuu food recipes.
  • Enkidu_recipeNotebook_BrindletonBay - Optional. Contains Brindleton Bay recipes.
  • Enkidu_recipeNotebook_Selvadorada - Optional. Contains Selvadorada recipes.

Tools and mentions

Thanks to Lot51 for the notebook injector code, tips and resources he shares with the community.

Made possible by the following tools & applications: Frank’s String Table StudioSims4Studio, Scumbumbo’s XML Extractor and TDESC explorer with an essential Aha! moment provided by SimsonianLibrary’s Archeology Kit mod.

Would never have existed without the amazing community on the Creator Musings discord.

Simulation is Not Free 5 KB

Simulation is Not Free

08 May 2022
1 383

What is with this one? Daycare, free? Pfft! Now, when your Sim’s little one goes to daycare, it will now extract $100 from their household funds. (Note: This only works when a Sim is forced to leave a little one behind, not when they choose to! It's a limitation of the game.)

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