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No Auto Food Grab after Cooking  

Upload: 03 Apr 2022, 17:06
Created by: littlemssam [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
No Auto Food Grab after Cooking

This Mod prevents Sims from taking a Plate right after Cooking. There are two Versions of this Mod.

This Mod adds a custom hidden Buff to your Sim when he/she cooks. This Buff has a Duration of 120min.

The Buff prevents the Sim(s) to autonomously take a Plate or grab a Snack from the Fridge/Cooler or cook as long as the Buff is active. 

The “Call to Meal” Interactions will remove the Buff and your Sim(s)  will eat. You can also take a Single Dish via “Take a Meal” which will delete the Buff of the active Actor.

This Mod is compatible with my “Choose who you Call to Meal” Mod!

Optional Addons

Household Addon:

This Addon adds the Buff to all your Sims in the Household when someone cooks. 

24 hrs Buff Addon:

Instead of 2 hrs Sim(s) won’t cook/grab Food for 24 hrs unless the Buff gets removed when they get called to Meal etc.

NPCs No Food Grab:

Disables NPCs from Auto Grabing Food. I recommend my Call to Meal Mod to be able to invite them to grab a Plate.

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