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Try for Baby in Larger Households

Try for Baby in Larger Households

22 Mar 2023
1 957

This mod allows you to try for baby even if you have the maximum of 8 Sims in your household. For example, in the Hikaru family there are already 9 Sims as you can see in the picture, and clicking on his wife you can see they can still Try for Baby.

Grab Ice Cream From Fridge Mod 145.0 KB

Grab Ice Cream From Fridge Mod

17 Aug 2022

Have you ever wished you could grab ice cream from the fridge and add toppings and eat it? Is the ice cream maker taking up too much space in your kitchen? Well here you go, now you can grab ice cream ready-made from the fridge!

Even More Babies Mod v

Even More Babies Mod

07 Jul 2022
1 240

Have you ever wanted your Sims to have 4, 5 or 6 kids at the same time? Or at least increase their chances of having twins and triplets? Well then this mod is for you! This allows Sims to have up to 6 children at the time of birth at the same time. Six! This is quite a bit.