FPS Lootables
Get loot from tractors, forklifts, burnt cars, corpses, body bags, traffic cones, plastic barrels, wood barrels, gas meters, electrical panels and many other places not lootable previously!
Get loot from tractors, forklifts, burnt cars, corpses, body bags, traffic cones, plastic barrels, wood barrels, gas meters, electrical panels and many other places not lootable previously!
Gives better crop yields and the ability to automatically reseed wild crops.No Farm Plots needed plus faster growing speed and underground farming, too!
This mod will increase the spawning of books in mailboxes, file cabinets, bookcases, bookstore shelves and Crack-A-Book boxes. It should eliminate the scrap paper found in the mailboxes, also.
This mod allows you to sell almost all of the junk that you could not sell before. Rotting flesh, stone tools, blood bags and many others for example. All the traders will now stock SEEDS.