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CTVI Starter Kit  

Upload: 03 Nov 2023, 18:20
Created by: CTVI Gaming [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
CTVI Starter Kit

This mod adds some initial starting items to the game to make the early days a little easier.
Some food, drinks, health items, tools and weapons along with a bicycle

This mod needs to be used on new saves or starting a new world. If you deployed to an existing game only new players logging on for first time would receive it.

ZLO - Zombie Loot Overhaul 1KB

ZLO - Zombie Loot Overhaul

30 Sep 2022

The mod adjusts the drop rate/quality of loot bags accordingly. There are multiple modules for what experience you'd like, varying from balanced to ridiculous. Any suggestions and feedback is incredibly appreciated!

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