CTVI Better Vehicles
This mod bring in new vehicles to the game. There are 4 new versions of the 5 vehicles. Each one slightly better than the last with better speed. Larger fuel tank, better health. You need to use our Metal Bars mod with this.
This mod bring in new vehicles to the game. There are 4 new versions of the 5 vehicles. Each one slightly better than the last with better speed. Larger fuel tank, better health. You need to use our Metal Bars mod with this.
Nugz 10 pc vehicle pack. Required on server and client to work for MP. Unzip to mods folder, Each folder, as they are. And enjoy!
This is a sci-fi themed overhaul mod that aims to give the player a new experience. The zombies and animals have been replaced by robots, mechs and drones. It is inspired by Sci-Fi games such as Generation Zero and Detroit: Become Human.
Adds funny items, entities, blocks, quests, vehicles, etc, plus some overall game balancing and QoL changes.
Prisa Calzada is the perfect ambulance to rescue your friends from the evil zombies
It is the Age of Oblivion. The world has been invaded by a species of unknown origin that has infected the population with some virus, transforming us into Zombies.
Updated to 4.27 for A20 Fixed vehicle block collision, GNX accessories icon.
Adds in a GNX to cruise around in! Requires Greasemonkey level 4.
Adds 1 more seat to: Bicycle, Mini Motorcycle and the normal Motorcycle. Also the 4x4 gain more Seats
This mod doubles the speed of the Super Charger vehicle mod in game from 25% max speed to 50% and 15% boost to 30%.
Ride in style with the newest compact size Chopper1 helicopter. An easier and faster way to get to where you need to go. We hope you enjoy all this mod has to offer. Thank you for being a part of The A Teams productions.
Introducing a street bike that goes by the name of Red Devil.
The Dirt Duster is great for off road courses, known for cutting corners and making sharp turns. An easy way to get around especially when riding on hills, youre sure to make great leaps and reach great heights.
Features 58 vehicles ( New Physics and particle effects). 80 Plus wreck variants (some may look familiar) All new custom vehicle sounds.
This mod increases the speed of every vehicles, introduces engine parts wich are used to craft different type of engine and the possibility to get tire, rim and full functional wheel from the world.
This mod adds a military APC that can fire rockets from a mounted turret and also protect you from outside damage.
This mod adds a ride on lawn tractor that can cut grass, collect grass, crops and much more.
Add a Parachute for you to deploy when falling from the sky, making Oh Shitz Drops obsolete. Not EAC compatible. Work in Progress.
Simple modlet that increases the speed of the gyrocopter in turbo (shift) mode and increases the torque of the gyrocopter plus the gyrocopter wheels to increase ground handling (including reverse) and enable easy takeoffs. A20, safe with current save, and server side.
Simple modlet that increases the speed of the motorcycle in normal and turbo (shift) mode, increases the torque of the motorcycle to more easily climb hills so you aren't always getting stuck in mountainous regions, and increases the handling to go along with the speed and torque so it is still
The Tigr Jeep can be unlocked by grease monkey level 5 or by finding the schematics in loot or at the traders.
A collection of my vehicles. Custom mechanic trader. Current as of A20.