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ImprovedUI ReleaseReady v3.17  

Upload: 24 Jan 2024, 00:56
Created by: AlanaSP, ShinyHobo, Djmr [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
ImprovedUI ReleaseReady v3.17

Changes existing UI to enhance the current modding scene by removing intrusive in-game warning and enhancing character creation options. 

!Warning! - Other UI mods that change the same files can prevent this mod from working. See below for supported mods.

This mod is aimed at making changes to the overall user interface to improve usability as well as opening options to more potential mods. New video eventually.

Player Features

  • Prevents annoying story error message box appearing when using mods
  • Removes annoying reset tutorial/enable tutorials message box when entering CC
  • Character Creation tweaks: Redesigned Origin layout (the first screen you see when entering CC).
  • Character Creation Layout tweaks: Adds full Facial Hair Colour selection.
  • (Controller only) Character Creation Layout tweaks: Hides appearance options when not available, adds "all colours" tickbox for highlights.
  • Hireling tweaks: Redesigned Hireling layout (makes better use of the dead space).

Modder Features

  • Character Creation Layout tweaks: Removes head scroll limit. (Credit: Alana)
  • Character Creation Layout tweaks: Removes appearance tab restrictions allowing for modded slot use. (ex: Origin Hairstyles, Humans with tails)
  • Character Creation Layout tweaks: Changes Dragonborn Sorcerer Draconic Ancestry to allow for additional scale types.
  • CC/Level up Layout tweaks: Adds multiple scroll bars to Origins, Races, Subraces, Classes, Subclasses, Deity and Background selection for better support with modded options.
  • CC/Level up Layout tweaks: Changes passive and equipment selection to turn into a scroll option when enough modded options are added - such as modded Eldritch Invocations. (Credit: Winterbrick)
  • CC/Level up Layout tweaks: Adds passive and spell selection to Races (previously limited to Class only) (Credit: TrumanHarp)
  • CC/Level up Layout tweaks: Changes Feat panel to have additional scroll options to support modded Feats with long descriptions and multiple options. (Credit: Lostsoul)
  • Level up Layout tweaks: Adds Skill selection to both Races and Classes (previously limited to Classes with Expertise).
  • Hireling tweaks: Adds multiple scroll bars to Hireling selection for better support with modded options.


Place both ImprovedUI.pak and any optional file(s) under "%LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods" - no mod list entry required.


If added via Vortex/BG3 Mod Manager/manual install, ensure that the Story Fix (or a mod that includes it) is also added to work correctly.

French Localization Update v2.6

French Localization Update v2.6

06 Aug 2023

Bienvenue sur la page du correctif de la version française de Baldur's Gate III. Son objectif est de corriger et améliorer la traduction officielle du jeu. Il s'agit d'un projet communautaire et la participation de tous les joueurs francophones est la bienvenue pour aider à compléter et à peaufiner

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