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M.P.A.F. - Multi Pose-Pack and Animation Framework v2.1  

Upload: 22 May 2023, 18:20
Created by: NoraLee [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
M.P.A.F. - Multi Pose-Pack and Animation Framework v2.1


This framework allows for the use of: multiple framework-ready replacer pose packs at once, multiple framework-ready photomode animation mods at once, certain NPC animation mods on photomode V, custom props with animation mods, framework-dependent standalone pose packs, and more. Now compatible with most other photomode mods!

Read all relevant sections below before commenting.

If you find this framework useful, you can support my work on Ko-fi.

M.P.A.F. and Photo Mode Unlocker 1.6 XL are now compatible!
Update Photo Mode Unlocker 1.6 XL and read the compatibility info below!

Basic Information

What is this mod? What does it do?

This mod is a framework designed to interact with the system that the games uses to load photomode poses.

In short, this framework:

  • Makes it possible to use multiple .anims files to populate the photomode idle poses, facilitating more interesting/less wasteful pose packs
  • Fills idle and action pose slots left empty/broken by pose packs with the game's default poses, ensuring all pose slots remain usable
  • Creates a new Custom Animations photomode category, with special handling, allowing photomode V to have multiple animation mods available at once, and to utilize certain NPC animation mods
  • Establishes a prop framework, allowing props to be loaded to match these new animation slots - props which animate along with V
  • Establishes a framework for standalone additions, facilitating standalone pose pack creation

This framework is the successor to Multi Pose Pack Framework; it provides full support to all mods that depend on that older, original framework while expanding upon the framework's capabilities and features.

Instructions - For Mod Users

Installing the Framework:

If you are using the previous version of this framework, Multi Pose Pack FrameworkOR if you already use M.P.A.F. and you are newly updating from a version before version 2.0, complete the instructions under "Removing the Framework" before continuing. 
If you do not do this, the mod will not work right.

  1. Review the information in this page's Conflicts & Compatibility section. Download any required M.P.A.F. compatibility patch .zip files. If you require a compatibility patch and do not install it, the mod will not work right.
  3. Download and install the required supporting mods:
  4. ArchiveXL by psiberx
    TweakXL by psiberx
    RED4Ext by WopsS

  5. Download the file.
  6. Extract the and the M.P.A.F. compatibility patch .zip file you have downloaded (if any).
  7. Locate your Cyberpunk 2077 installation folder.
  8. For each .zip file you have extracted, drag the archive and r6 folders into your Cyberpunk 2077 installation folder. Only the archive folder will be present in compatibility patch .zip files; this is expected.

Do not rename this mod's files; it is important that they load in a specific order.

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