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Companions Mod  

Upload: 26 Feb 2023, 10:38
Created by: Khione [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Companions Mod

Hello everybody, I found a way to take companions with us by editing SQL data of our save files. Makig a mod using SQL data does not work because game saves overwrite the values we set. The mod files includes a list with useable companions and a custom mod that changes companions. Professors as well as students work as companions. Please read the steps carefully.

How to add companions: We are gonna be using Hogwarts Legacy Save Game Editor . First of all, save a copy of the save file you are gonna be using. I recommend a manuel save. your save files are located in "users\AppData\Local\Hogwarts Legacy\Saved\SaveGames". Then follow these steps:

  • Save a copy of your save file
  • Open your save file with HL save editor
  • Do not edit anything with the editor. Go to the tab "Save File" at the bottom and download database 1.
  • Now you need to edit SQL Database. I recommend using SQLiteStudio (Some may prefer DB Browser)
  • Open the database using SQLLiteStudio, find the table called miscdatadynamic on the left panel. Click on it and then click on data on the right panel
  • Find this Line "PlayerLastSetCompanion       (blank) ". Change the blank line to the name of companion you want to use. (Names are included in the list) After you made the changes close the database. (Do not misatke it with LastForcedCompanion. It's the companion you get in quests.)
  • Now go to save editor and again go to "Save File" tab. Under Custom DB Upload choose Database 1 and upload the SQL data you just edited. Click on generate save file. it should download a save file with your companion added. 
  • Now only thing you need to do rename the save file to your original save name and replace it. Congratulations, you just added a companion of your choice that can follow you everywhere. You can change the companion you are using by doing the same steps and setting a different name. Don't worry this is a really fast process once you get the hang of it.

How does the Companions work

  • They follow you anywhere in map. If you use broom and if they are stuck behind they tp to you.
  • They cast lumos when you cast lumos.
  • They use disillusionment when you use disillusionment.
  • They fight enemies with you.
  • They can come to Room of Requirements with you.
  • They can come to battle arenas
  • Check the video to see how they work.

Important Warning: Do not use companions if you are doing their quest. It might get buggy. And please do not forget to save a copy of your save files. 
Edit: It seems setting them blank again do not work. Set a different companion name as a band aid fix for now. I'm working on a proper fix. Ignore this. It works.

What does custom mod include

  • Added at least 1 spell to most of the companions. Example Professor Garlic uses chinese chomping cabbages and Sebastian uses petrificus.
  • Added them to npclevelscaling so their level scales with you. They will deal less damage when you are low level and higher damage when you are higher level.

If you want your companions to use unforgiveable spells use my other mod Companions Use Unforgiveables
Use mod merger if you have any other mod that modifies SQL data. (Only for my custom mod, not for save file editing)
I recommend using it along with Harder Mode(s) for a better challenge.
Installation of custom mod: Drop the contents of custom mod into "Steam\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods"

Thank you creator of Hogwarts Legacy Save Game Editor

For Modders, feel free to use this information and make a better implemented companion mod. If you have any questions i'll try to answer them.

Complete Enemy Balance 1.7MB

Complete Enemy Balance

14 Apr 2023
1 041

More Enemys, More Agressiv Enemys, extrem agressiv Wolfs and Trolls. Extrem big Wolf packs. Difficulty Rebalance. Changes the Enemys Health and DMG scale on Level 35+. Harder Endgame.

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