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NSFW Professor Garlick Painting Mod  

Upload: 24 Feb 2023, 10:00
Created by: neofyte [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
NSFW Professor Garlick Painting Mod

Credit to CHRBRG/Ryan on his for providing the tutorial 

To install this mod go into this directory

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Movies\Atlas

Fast Travel to South Wing>Faculty Tower> Head Straight> Downstairs

Thong Mod 4 MB

Thong Mod NSFW

15 Feb 2023
25 036

Now your main character in Hogwarts Legacy will be able to wear revealing thongs. The modification replaces the lower part of the champion's suit, where a white thong will be displayed instead of a pants.

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  1. naughtydady
    naughtydady [Guests]
    28 March 2023 00:31

    hello, i changed paintings succesfully, but now i would like to go back to original, and like a d.... i forgot to save original files, does some one know where i can find them?