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Upload: 06 Mar 2023, 12:08
Last updated: 8-03-2023, 19:46
Created by: dakyoz
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Another Nude Mode! Why? Because you asked for it!
This one’s a compilation of many little request merged together. The result? See for yourself. 

How to use?
This mod makes turns the Secret’s Solver Bathing Suit into a nude!

How to install? 
Just put the extracted files in “Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks~mods” (create a mod folder if you don’t have one already)

How to uninstall? 
Just delete the _P files (3 of them)

How to get the Outfit?
After solving a mystery:

It should be at Start Menu -> Challenges.

V2 Update:
-Fixed the hands
-Added hairy Variant

Download Version 1
Download Version 2 (new)

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. A
    Aslan234 [Users]
    17 June 2023 12:47

    I'm having the issue, that the version 2 mod doesn't activate in game. Can anyone tell me why it doesn't work

  2. g
    gaymerwales [Guests]
    10 March 2023 13:27

    the clipping on the back of the capes shows the shoulder blanes through also the gloves are clipping too when you take the gloves off there is red gloves clipping through. great effort in being more realistic with the body though!!

  3. F
    Foxhs [Guests]
    8 March 2023 22:03

    is this only for M characters?

  4. y
    yapi75 [Guests]
    6 March 2023 22:47

    Thank you so much for the uncut version 😍 The game is supposed to take place in UK after all 😉

  5. j
    jttyy5 [Guests]
    6 March 2023 19:37

    I know it often looks bad due to the seams but is there a way to use a version with the necklace? Could maybe create a scarf to take the place of the necklace if people find it too jarring.

  6. M
    MarlonFormel [Guests]
    6 March 2023 14:52

    After I selected the suit the game crashed.

    1. M
      MarlonFormel [Guests]
      6 March 2023 21:00

      If I put on the Secret's Solver Bathing Suit with no mod, then save and then install the mod and reload the game it works. However, if I put on another suit and then the Secret's Solver Bathing Suit again, the game crashes again. I can live with that, just not changing my suit. Otherwise a great job thanks for the mod!

      Could you make just the waist MINIMALLY wider? Then it really would be perfect!

      Thanks! 🙏

      1. M
        MarlonFormel [Guests]
        6 March 2023 22:06

        The skin is also quite... well, how should I put it... coarse-pored. You see it every time the character is seen up close.

        If you could improve that, that would be awesome!

        Thanks! 🙏

      2. c
        cookiebunny [Users]
        7 March 2023 15:16

        I have the same problem But I tried deleting the game and reinstalling it and the problem disappeared.