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Adventurer Crop Top + Skirt  

Upload: 25 Feb 2023, 14:31
Created by: Liso
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Adventurer Crop Top + Skirt

Mod that replaces all three variants of Adventurer clothes. It doesn't work with cloak or produces many clipping. They may be some clipping while running or using stair I will fix later

Foot Fetish Portraits 389.26MB

Foot Fetish Portraits NSFW

30 Mar 2023
25 610

- Two options, Room of requirement only, or full castle - Full version has over 60 different animations scattered through castle - Should also work on lower end PCs that use low graphic settings

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. M
    MrScorpion91 [Guests]
    10 February 2025 10:59

    Мод крашет игру и в чем прикол не понятно 

  2. g
    guest [Guests]
    25 February 2024 16:42

    the mod tends to crash the game when I have it installed and when I try to use the adventurer outfit.

  3. r
    redhatter [Guests]
    27 July 2023 15:43

    Not sure who still plays and browses these mods but I made a pale skin override here:

    It does not replace the original mod, but adds to it and overrides the skin file to be paler, refer to the included readme for instructions. 

    This does not affect the face skin color though - you'll need another mod for that (or you can use PNB with my PNB override to make the face paler, matching closely with the pale body for this mod)

    1. r
      redhatter [Guests]
      16 August 2023 07:03

      Alternate link if anonfiles goes down:

  4. G
    Guard80-12 [Guests]
    24 March 2023 22:16

    We so needed update ) best sexy mod yet )

  5. R
    Reddead4819 [Guests]
    15 March 2023 20:09

    best skimpy mod yet.

  6. G
    Guard80-12 [Guests]
    13 March 2023 21:48

    please tell me when to wait for the update, so that the mod would work with coats. really looking forward to this - really like this mod )) any news Liso ? )

  7. C
    Clopton [Guests]
    9 March 2023 11:26

    Nice mod, using it now... would be dope to have this without shoes, tho :]

  8. k
    kcao [Guests]
    3 March 2023 21:38

    it works, but it has many crashes, for example, it works fine if you change the design of another garment for this one, but if you find an object with the default adventurer design, sometimes it crashes when you put it on or take it off (I'm using CCB 1.1).

  9. s
    skntle [Guests]
    3 March 2023 12:55

    Mod works just fine if you put in in the Paks folder. The best clothing mod thus far. Liso, we need more!!!

  10. N
    NrdWithBrd [Guests]
    3 March 2023 03:44

    Crashes on launch even with no other mods installed. Any fix?

    1. M
      MrScorpion91 [Guests]
      10 February 2025 11:02

      я поставил мод выбрал эту одежду в игре и игра проста закрылась либо в моде проблема или какая та зашита от таких модов есть хз на эту тему не чего не смог найти 

  11. w
    whybother [Guests]
    2 March 2023 15:32

    This. More like this please.

  12. p
    p4p [Users]
    26 February 2023 08:31

    Where to obtain those Adventurer clothes?

    1. p
      p4p [Users]
      26 February 2023 09:30

      Cobalt Adventure Ensemble - bought in Hogsmeade

      1. S
        Shob Ffs [Guests]
        28 February 2023 12:43

        What did u use to make this mod? And can I edit this? sry I’m new to modding