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Physics Mod Pro V92 - Menu Rework FINISHED! 

Upload: 09 Jan 2023, 14:26
Last updated: 10-01-2023, 08:38
Created by: Haubna [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Physics Mod Pro V92 - Menu Rework FINISHED!

Incredible mod for physics, it contains many realistic features and will allow you to make a completely new game out of minecraft. Blocks will be destroyed with beautiful animation and affect neighboring ones, waves will appear in the ocean, realistic snow and water, and many other features.

A little more about fashion:

The mod adds to the game the physics of blocks, objects, liquids, etc. Now, breaking the blocks of the game, you will see how they crumble into many pieces, each of which has the physics of falling, as well as the destruction of one block will entail the destruction of some neighboring blocks, which looks epic (configurable).

Physics also applies to mobs, they have several options for what happens after their death, sound physics changes sounds depending on the blocks - and this is all that is in the free version of the mod, not bad, but the author implemented all the coolest things only for money .

Mod features:

  • Block physics - blocks are destroyed into many pieces, or simply acquire gravity and physics, affect neighboring blocks and they are also destroyed. You can adjust the destruction style, animation speed, shard lifetime, the number of neighboring blocks affected (Collapse in the mod menu).
  • Mob physics - after the death of the carcasses of mobs, they acquire the physics of a rag doll and fall with some animation, and then disappear. But it is possible to turn on the mode in which the mobs will also crumble into fragments, including with blood.
  • Ocean physics - allows you to set up waves in the ocean, while objects and, for example, a boat will swing on these waves. You can set up a real storm or calm, it looks especially epic with shaders.
  • Dynamic blocks - physics appears in many other objects and blocks, creepers, doors, ropes.
  • The physics of raincoats, banners , they flutter beautifully depending on your movements or the wind.
  • Physics of thrown objects - snowballs, eye of ender, eggs, drop.
  • Water physics - now water does not look like some kind of gel or jelly, while this feature is in beta testing, you can get this water by breaking the enchantment table. Not the coolest implementation, and it’s difficult to use, but maybe the author will rework it.
  • Snow physics - snow biomes now have snowdrifts that can have different shapes, when walking you will create a path.
  • Physics of sounds - blocks, walls, caves, all this changes the sounds of the game making them realistic.
  • The Physics of Realistic Smoke .
  • Weather physics - wind, snow, rain will also be affected by physics and wind in the game, you can adjust the intensity from light snow to a snow storm. From walking, you will kick up particles of dust or snow that will be blown away by the wind. The strength of the wind depends on the terrain and so on.

Cons of the mod:
If you omit the fact that the mod is paid, the mod has enough disadvantages. High load on the processor and video card, controversial "realistic" functions, various bugs and inaccuracies. But the author added to the mod the ability to configure everything in a convenient menu, disable functions, change them, down to each animation and blocks.

From myself, I can say that the Physics Mod is one of the most impressive projects, it is not just a big and complex mod, it changes the game itself, changes the very foundations of the game, and in combination with shaders, this turns minecraft into something new.

Menu Rework is finshed! Minecraft 1.18 and 1.19 versions now got updated to Pro V92 to include the new menu! Check it out and let me know what you think!

TESTED SHADERS: Complementary Shaders 4.4, BSL 8.1.01, SEUS Renewed 1.0.1, Sildurs Vibrant Shaders 1.31 Medium.

IMPORTANT Smoke Physics Information: Minecraft particles have to be enabled for it to work! The further away you are from smoke sources the less particles spawn. Temporal Anti-Aliasing (or TAA) can cause issues with the smoke so disabling it will eliminate some visual artifacts. Not all shaders are supported (best results that I've got are with BSL shaders).

IMPORTANT Snow Physics Information: Optifine is not supported (use Iris + Sodium on Fabric/Oculus + Rubidium on Forge). High render distances on slow CPUs might result in delayed snow tracks.

IMPORTANT Liquid Physics Information:


Download physics-mod-pro-v92-fabric-22w44a.jar
Download physics-mod-pro-v92-fabric-1.19.x.jar
Download physics-mod-pro-v36b-forge-1.16.5.jar
Download physics-mod-pro-v36b-fabric-1.16.5.jar
Download physics-mod-pro-v36b-fabric-1.17.1.jar
Download physics-mod-pro-v36b-forge-1.17.1.jar
Download physics-mod-pro-v92-fabric-1.18.2.jar
Download physics-mod-pro-v92-forge-1.19.x.jar
Download physics-mod-pro-v92-forge-1.18.2.jar


Actually, bypass protection was developed by madeline-xoxo, and here is his page on github , there is all the necessary information. You need to understand that the author of the mod can change something and bypassing the protection will become impossible, or it will have to be changed, so on github, there is always an up-to-date version of the bypass. If the information in the current article is out of date, please let the site administration know about it.


First you need to install Node js on your PC, here is the official site. If you have Windows 7, you will have to download the installer from here , namely node-v13.14.0-x64.msi.

Download and unzip the archive, inside you will find setup.bat, you need to run it as administrator.
this script also adds the entry to the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts, some antiviruses may block this and the bypass will not work, add the entry yourself.

After opening start.bat, a console will appear, it must be open while you are playing with the mod, you will have to run start.bat every time before starting minecraft.

Realistic Textures V98 2,56 GB Exclusive

Realistic Textures V98

24 May 2023
9 219

Hey Everyone, The new update is here with a bunch of new textures. In this one I was focusing on adding the missing "double" flowers like the red bush, peony, and lilac. I've fixed the mangrove leaves model that was missing in the previous version and I made a texture for dripstone.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. h
    heitor passcucci [Guests]
    14 July 2023 21:45

    I can't play. i need to see the paetron code. i am stuck in this screen

  2. р
    ром [Guests]
    23 February 2023 17:07

    я папробывал и неработет не скачивайте

    1. А
      Александр [Guests]
      20 June 2023 20:53

      Ты как пробовал если через телефон то естественно он не будет работать так как это мод на ПК версии если ты пробовал с ПК то хз у меня всё работает

  3. C
    Custav_Rocket [Guests]
    12 February 2023 17:40

    Is this really work or just another virus/trojan wannabe?

  4. M
    MISHEL NO BOT XD [Guests]
    23 January 2023 16:38