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Wither's Weapons [1.20.1]  

Upload: 23 Oct 2023, 12:55
Created by: witherlord00 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Wither's Weapons [1.20.1]

Swords and Magic and Bows! Oh My! This mod adds various wacky and even serious weapons good for combat, exploration, or even collections.

This mod MAY be updated with content.

Updates for bug fixes, balances, and version ports can still happen.

Wither's Weapons adds 9 melee weapons and 2 ranged weapons:

Electrumight: A sword composed of immense divine light that can vanquish dark monsters in a few hits. (Unobtainable in Survival)

Valorin-  A very powerful sword that has been dormant for eons, legends say it is the physical manifestation of the Nether itself.

Valorin can be activated with a nether star and some dragon breath to gain its true power.

Valorin's true form is a blade of no mercy, it is relentless in its goal. The sword when powered gains an extra attack damage point and the ability to shoot shadow fireballs that explode into a withering cloud that last a couple of seconds. When you wield this sword you are immune to Wither.

Prime Axe Staff- Axe-headed staff that allows you to jump higher when held in hand or offhand. Jump boost 4

Blade of Stone- A very polished heavy stone sword that is the manifestation of the Earth. Use it as a shield- 1.18: stronghold crossing, 1.19:  jungle temple

Eldingain- The manifestation of lightning itself. Very fast attacking weapon and lights enemies on fire for 4 seconds.

Aquaslash- A strong aqueous blade that is the manifestation of the tides. High knockback and pushes enemies into the air for a bit.

Scarlet Demise- The Father of the Four Swords. Some say this weapon has the ability to cure illness when wielded. The magic in this sword is unlike anything you have ever seen. Can cast an afterimage of the sword that does magic damage.

(this sword's projectile is a bit weird)

Violet Demise- The Mother of the four swords. The sword deals melee damage and has no ranged attack. 

Magentaslash- The true form and son of both Scarlet and Violet Demise. Capable of strong melee and strong magic damage.  Can cast an afterimage of the sword that does magic damage.


Diablow-  A fiery bow of misfortune that pierces 2 enemies and sets them on fire. (craftable)

The Echo- This eldritch bone scepter can produce the same energy the warden shoots from its chest. Craft echo charges from Echo Shards to use this weapon.

(Notice that the damage source from the staff isn't the same as the warden because the damage the sonic booms use is able to go through enchantments and shields. The staff just uses magic damage for balance purposes.)

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