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Clubber Dehya  

Upload: 16 Jun 2023, 15:43
Created by: SpontaneousBootay [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Clubber Dehya

Sumeru days are harsh and unforgiving, but the nights at the Oasis in the Dessert Nightclub are some of the best in you can have. Here's Clubber Dehya. She's strong, enticing, and ready to party for a price.

Oh? You though she was a dancer? A patron? Oh heavens no...

...she's the bouncer.

*Weapon to be released at a later date.*

Darkscourge Armour

Darkscourge Armour

31 Jul 2023
1 090

This is an armour set mainly inspired by Elden Ring (particularly the Champion's Set and Maliketh's Set), and the armour of Artorias from Dark Souls.

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