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Summer Lyney NSFW Toggles  

Upload: 16 Sep 2023, 21:04
Created by: Ann Plans
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Summer Lyney NSFW Toggles

I've added the NSFW Toggles! Use 5 to toggle between the regular outfit, summer speedo, open speedo, soft and hard version! 

sorry this took so long (>_<) i realized just now i forgot to take my meds for the second half of the day which explains why i felt so unmotivated and slow. i will soon be releasing/creating the vid for the custom e-skill thing for tartaglia as well as a texture replacement for those who want childe's original eye texture!

[Beidou]Yorha Type A2 Reincarnation

[Beidou]Yorha Type A2 Reincarnation NSFW

10 Jun 2023
1 140

I had a mod of A2 for Eula and Beidou... The latter one being really really crappy model. So I took it upon myself to craft this for Beidou again. Used the Reincarnation mesh and textures but altered the skin. Used the animated face.

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