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Armored Jean Massively Erect Clitoris Toggle!  

Upload: 03 Nov 2023, 06:13
Created by: Lewd_Lad
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Armored Jean Massively Erect Clitoris Toggle!

Happy Halloween y'all!

I know the tentacles birthing one won the Halloween poll, and I'm currently getting it produced - but unforuntately, we couldn't complete on time, so I've produced the mods for the second placed theme instead!

The new body actually already has these shape keys (and the prolapse one) in them, meaning that any girl using the new body has this as a potential down the track, but since I've only done a couple of Genshin girls using this body, with Jean being one of them, we get Armored (and Bikini Armored) variants of Jean with the somewhat erotic and boner confusing big erect clit!

Actually, the big clit is somewhat rare in hentai - which surprises me TBH - it's cousin the Futa is far more popular and widespread, but the concept is similar in that they're both possessed by ladies with the intent of seggs with other ladies. It's kinda like sex, but with two ladies instead of a guy and a girl? Well, I wish this trope were more common in hentai - the idea of using lady bits for penetrative sex is 🥵

Anyway, this is a toggle mod - the first variant is 'covered up', with the latter versions exposing the clit and then undressing her.


Press 'H' to toggle forwards, 'Alt+H' to toggle backwards.

Xbox LB + X to toggle forwards, Xbox LB + Y to toggle backwards.

Maid Ganyu

Maid Ganyu NSFW

11 Jun 2023
2 675

This mod is inspired by this artwork by @Bnari2277. For continuous updates and to be a part of the creative process, consider supporting me on Patreon. My patrons receive early access to all variations of this mod, with a general release following one month later.

Dancer Layla 9 MB Exclusive

Dancer Layla NSFW

02 Dec 2023
5 316

Some pretty big problems with the way transparencies work with the game, so we might not be able to pull it off as intended, but even so, it's looking really good already. Also, texture coloration is obviously off, at least compared to the original concept. We'll probably do this one as a variant

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