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Yae Miko Undress/Bikini Toggle 

Upload: 25 Feb 2024, 13:32
Created by: RenKamui
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Yae Miko Undress/Bikini Toggle

Fortune is on our side, as the head shrine maiden Yae Miko personally blesses us with the sight of her beautiful naked body.


Yae Miko turned out to have quite many options! Her 55 variants include any combination of normal top, sideboob and topless, panties and nopan, head accessory and no head accessory, full , partial and miniskirt-like dress, as well as obi-only dress, bikini, semi nude and full nude variants.
You can find examples for every option in the screenshots!

Automatic Bikini Functionality:

Big thanks to a4happy20 for his script to make this possible!
When swimming or diving, Yae Miko automatically changes into her bikini and you will be able to toggle between all bikini variants, including barefoot variants which are only available in water. When leaving the water, she will after a delay of about three seconds automatically change back to her variant from before!

Toggle Keys:

Due to the amount of variants, you are able to toggle every option seperately to directly select your preferred variant!

The keys are
5 - for chest options,
6 - for bottom options,
7 - for dress options,
8 - for head accessory options,
9 - to cycle through bikini options,
0 - to cycle through base, obi-only dress, semi nude and full nude options,
RIGHT ARROW - to toggle auto bikini functionality on and off, and

Let me know if you encounter any issues!

Big thanks to zeroruka for the nude base body!

Update Notes:

  • Now fixed for game version 4.3
Jean is Cloud Retainer

Jean is Cloud Retainer NSFW

01 Aug 2023
2 872

A mod for Jean with alternation between two or three bodies, in this mod she is a simple appearance of the cloud retainer made from Shenhe's body and some other small parts of other characters, why Jean?

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