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OK, I finally finished this mod, enjoy it. I dont own Kirara, Dehya, Faruzan, so I can't dump their hashes, please forgive me. 中文用户在浏览额外服装立绘時会出现问题,请切换语言或者使用开发版mod工具GIMI-for-development,浏览普通立绘不受影响。 中文用戶在瀏覽額外服裝立繪時會出現問題,請切換語言或者使用開發版mod工具GIMI-for-development,瀏覽普通立繪不受影響。
Bride (Foxy) Miko returns for one last hurrah! In her ultimate form, she can toggle through her body proportions independently - be it classic, skinny, or uber thicc.
I've had a few requests for Dehya on the books for a while - they've been sitting there for a long time, because I've always had the thought of revisiting and revamping her - which I've now done!