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No Execution Filter + extra  

Upload: 17 May 2023, 15:58
Created by: DeBuGWoLf [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
No Execution Filter + extra

This mod removes the execution filter from the game, sterioscopic mode is no longer required!

I made three versions:

# 1 just removes the filter

# 2 (Best in my opinion) Removes the filter and disables execution camera shaking

# 3 removes the filter and the camera shaking completely

60FPS Cutscenes (Part 1) 254 MB

60FPS Cutscenes (Part 1)

17 May 2023

Since some cutscenes in Manhunt 2 are external files they won't play smooth even if you have the 60FPS patch installed. I decided to individually convert these cutscenes one by one.

ModLoader v1

ModLoader v1

17 May 2023

The ModLoader hook the binary read feature from Manhunt 2, looks for alternative files and if these are present, its loaded. Otherwise the original game files are loaded.

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