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Female Nude Mod  

Upload: 02 Mar 2025, 12:26
Created by: Ridog8 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Female Nude Mod

Nudes the female player character. Jiggle physics for breasts and butt/thighs are added (There by default on main mod as well).
Comes with options and is meant to be used in conjunction with Female Body Sliders. (Though it is not a hard requirement).
Female Body Sliders comes with many options to control this mod's settings.
Styles and variations in this mod are meant to act as starting points
for that mod to take advantage of as well.

This mod is built for Innerwear A2


Female Nude Mod
Nude Style Options
Physics Options

Female Body Sliders v1.02 186KB

Female Body Sliders v1.02

02 Mar 2025
1 455

Adds sliders for character bones. You can manage and store presets, it works with all equipment, there's an option to toggle the functionality for male characters, you can hide weapons, and much more...

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