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Cannibalism in Zombie Apocalypse (rework №2)  

Upload: 23 Jun 2023, 10:46
Created by: 4D [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Cannibalism in Zombie Apocalypse (rework №2)

Rework of a rework darkkreepe's cannibalism mod.

Quote from the mod rework:
"Since the original author of this mod does not update it anymore and there are some serious bugs, I decided to make a complete rework of this beatiful mod with custom changes.

You can skin and quarter the body and get human meat. Also you can slice up human meat to rashers and bits.

Alongside with Cannibalism you will automatically get the "Hearty Appetite" trait. This is for balancing reasons since simply being a cannibal would make the game too easy.
Therefore you can not take the "Light Eater" trait together with Cannibalism."

In this version I changed the amount of meat you get from zombies from 7 to 3 and added nutrients to them (Callories, Lipids, Proteins)

Trees Have Loot

Trees Have Loot

03 May 2023
1 275

This is a simple mod that will allow the player to interact with the trees to obtain certain items such as branches, bugs, and some other things.

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